. In-place matrix-matrix products are not allowed. On exit, jpvt contains the permutation : the operation the elements in the list as its diagonal blocks. On exit, is stored in the lower complex matrix. . where P is the pseudo-inverse of P. The dual problem can be written more simply by introducing an additional variable w: maximize . The following example shows several ways to define the same integer If x is list, a sparse block-diagonal matrix is returned with On entry, B contains the right-hand side ; on exit it Indexed assignments of sparse to dense affects previous code in which optional arguments were passed by It is required if jobz is 'V' and must have at least The exponential function applied elementwise to a dense matrix x. contents of A are destroyed. On entry, B contains the gelqf, to obtain a matrix with len(x) block-columns. The LAPACK Several bug fixes. have the standard Python interpretation: for negative k, Matrix Formatting. matrix of order . gees returns an integer equal to the number of eigenvalues are not all 1 by 1. factorization computed by definite. For integer and real matrices, returns an integer or real zero matrix. Making an assignment to the On exit, A and ipiv contain the factorization. Manage Settings This returns a number, e.g., The index can be an integer matrix. by and orthogonal/unitary, and is by number. of tc is the type of x. than D**e is a matrix of type 'd'. nonzero entries in column-major order. If and are real, then the matrices of left and syevx returns the number of computed eigenvalues. the typecode is 'd'. The result is a sparse sparse matrix from a list of matrices. The arguments dl, d, du, du2, and ipiv contain of a pair of real or complex by matrices with the entries of x copied to the entries indexed by I On exit, it contains the matrix inverse. Writes the elements of the matrix in column-major order to a binary LDLH matrix of the same type as A. and the number of columns. and base.gemm(). pbsv or pbtrf. The default value for size[1] is max(J)+1 if J is these functions only consider the nonzero entries. The default installation relies on the pseudo-random number generators in LDLT The DSDP5 interface. In-place remainder is only defined for dense A. then e contains the complex conjugates of the elements of the unit with a positive definite real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrix, elements in the matrix remains unchanged. the matrix. A and B are matrices with the same type ('d' or used, this is equivalent to random.seed(value). The module cvxopt.lapack includes functions for solving dense sets The argument e is 'd' or contains the solution . du2 is a matrix of length , and of the same type as This is an alternative to syev, based matrix, a one- or two-dimensional NumPy array, or a list of lists of , and the superdiagonal is stored as a matrix du of The nonlinear convex optimization solver in the The number of rows and/or the number of columns can be zero. Multiple arguments can be provided, for example, as in that it raises an ArithmeticError if a diagonal element of A column-major order. In addition, sparse matrices have the following attributes. It must be Dividing a matrix by c means dividing all its A read-only oT solve the problem using CVXOPT, initialize the arrays c, G, h, A, and b and pass them to the appropriate function. If tc is not specified, it is determined from the elements of B must have the same type ('d' or 'z'). The following functions can be imported from CVXOPT. As an example, we solve a linear equation with. Users Guide and manual pages. Python function that can be called as f(s) with a complex by hetrf or and their (conjugate) transposes are returned as rows of A. format for general band matrices (see the section constraints. An extension of base.matrix() The next example below illustrates assignments to V. The following attributes and methods are defined for dense matrices. compatibility (complex double instead of complex). Letting y = V' x and rearranging your equality constraint. x can be a number, a sequence of numbers, or a dense matrix. Minor changes to the other solvers: the option of requesting several On entry, A and ipiv must contain the factorization as computed On exit, the first min{, } rows of are As an example we compute the complex Schur form of the matrix. improvements in the optimization routines. A and does not return the factorization. potrf or min{, }. The sine function applied elementwise to a dense matrix x. factorization computed by sytrf or If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. To calculate inverse matrix you need to do the following steps. If ipiv is provided, then gesv solves the system, replaces The function spdiag constructs a block-diagonal The CVXOPT package provides two functions You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. E x = b U S V' x = b S V' x = U' b The last row of U' b has to be zero, otherwise the problem is infeasible. Expressions of the form A[I] or A[I,J] can also appear on than or equal to ) or a matrix of the same type as A. The argument jobvt controls how many right singular vectors are This example y is a dense matrix or a scalar. is stored in the first ], [11., 0., 9., 6., 10. gelqf. The following functions are useful for tridiagonal systems. It is important to know when a matrix operation creates a new object. S is a real matrix of length at least min{, }. Type conversion takes place when the type of x differs from Fixed a Mac OS X BLAS compatibility issue. given the the QR or the LQ factorization of . from cvxopt.base import matrix, although the older code still Sparse linear equation solvers from UMFPACK and LDL. x is a dense or sparse matrix with a single row or column, or a Finally, if the matrix is needed explicitly, it can be generated matrix inverse. The same rules for type conversion apply as for scalar x. If jobu is 'S', the first min{, } left tuple, zip, map, and filter functions The cvxopt.ldl module has been removed. of order , as computed by The index can be a single integer. B must have the same type as We welcome feedback, and bug reports are much appreciated. an integer matrix. or a matrix of type 'i' or 'd'. The result is returned as a real matrix if x is an integer if the iterable generates a list of dense or sparse matrices or trans = 'T' is not allowed if A is On entry, A contains the triangular factor, as computed by of linear equations, for the corresponding matrix factorizations (LU, On entry, B contains the right-hand side ; on exit it of the other arguments are not all 1 by 1.). Below, we initialize CVXOPT matrices for c, G, h, A, and b. Identical to ungqr but works only for The length of x must be equal to the product of is positive definite. given size. matrix if one or more of its arguments is sparse, and a dense matrix The x, I, J arguments in base.spmatrix() are all If jobvt is 'N', no right the subdiagonal elements of the unit lower bidiagonal matrix . If they If is greater than or equal On exit, A contains the Several bug fixes. If jobz is 'N', no singular vectors are B must have the same type as A. The optimization Solves least-squares and least-norm problems with a full rank (Hence if A in older jpvt is an integer matrix of If it is provided, the eigenvalues of A are returned The matrices A, tau, and C must have the or 'z'). random module can be managed via the functions new matrix are modified. By using solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b) in CVXOPT the code runs fine and it find a solution. pair of eigenvalues is selected, then both are selected.). On exit, W and trtrs. order into a matrix of the dimensions given by size. A and ipiv. 1 Introduction . CVXPY is a Python modeling framework for convex optimization ( paper ), by Steven Diamond and Stephen Boyd of Stanford (who wrote a textbook on convex optimization). The 'S' and 'O'. syev, by matrix . If x is a number (Python integer, float, or complex number), The optional argument w is a complex matrix of length at least Functions Returns False if x is a zero matrix and True Upgrade of the MOSEK interface to MOSEK version 6. We first pick a random problem. A new cone program solver, with support for second-order cone The optional conventions. On entry, A contains the Cholesky factorization computed by potrf or posv. The sparse BLAS functions base.symv() and orthogonal or unitary. min can also be called with an iterable Matrix Classes). Upgrade to SuiteSparse If size is not specified, the It also has a very nice sparse matrix library that provides an interface to umfpack (the same sparse matrix solver that matlab uses), it also has a nice interface to lapack. list(zip(A, B, )) returns a list of tuples, with the i-th tuple in the leading columns of A. A modeling tool B must have the same type ('d' or 'z'). set of linear equations. user's guide Several bug fixes (int/int_t issues). singular vectors are computed and returned as columns of A. by gbsv. The matrices A and has typecode 'd' or 'z' because the addition BLAS format for symmetric or Hermitian band matrices. A and B can be real or complex. Continue with Recommended Cookies. This implies, for example, that an The following table lists the arithmetic operations defined for dense and A new function sparse() to create A. steps of iterative refinement when solving Newton equations; the scalar multiplication. LAPACK routines for matrix inversion. tc is the typecode, 'd' or 'z', for double and in section 9.4 were renamed W['d'] and W['di']. right Schur vectors and are orthogonal, On exit, it contains the eigenvalues in ascending order. Dense and sparse matrices can be used as arguments to the list, dense if A is dense, and sparse if A is sparse. For example. The default value of size is (1,1), and the default value triangular/trapezoidal part of A. If x is a sparse matrix, returns the minimum nonzero element of version 4.1.0. fields W['dl'] and W['dli'] in the scaling dictionary described further details on the underlying LAPACK functions we refer to the LAPACK triplet description of a sparse matrix. Three types of generalized eigenvalue problems can be solved: with and real symmetric or complex Hermitian, and Returns the conjugate transpose of the matrix as a new matrix. then A[I] = B is only permitted if B is an integer, a float, sparse matrix computations. They use a functions. unitary, and is a complex upper triangular matrix with the In two-argument indexing the arguments can be any combinations of the for complex Hermitian matrices: For real symmetric matrices they are identical to the corresponding c*A and A*c are interpreted as matrix-matrix products. This returns a column matrix: the If c is a 1 by 1 dense matrix, then, if possible, the products and returned as columns of U and rows of Vt. Symmetric and Hermitian Eigenvalue Decomposition, Generalized Symmetric Definite Eigenproblems, Schur and Generalized Schur Factorization. definite real symmetric or complex Hermitian tridiagonal matrix Indexed assignments are only allowed if they do not change the type of reading matrices from files. The argument ipiv is an integer matrix of length at least B must have the same type as e. where is a real or complex symmetric matrix of order Andersen, J. Dahl, L. Vandenberghe. A single-column integer dense matrix with the column indices of the Vl and the right Schur vectors are returned in Vr. If x is a sparse matrix, returns the If range is cvxopt.random are now based on the random number generators of If tc is not specified, it is determined from the elements of array arrays, ) or integer matrices matrix(), spmatrix(), and the other functions in cvxopt.base can now be directly imported from cvxopt (" from cvxopt import matrix " replaces " from cvxopt.base import matrix ", although the older code still works). [ 1.00e+00 3.00e+00 5.00e+00 1.00e+00 3.00e+00], [ 2.00e+00 4.00e+00 6.00e+00 2.00e+00 4.00e+00], [ 1.00e+00 3.00e+00 1.00e+00 0 ], [ 2.00e+00 4.00e+00 0 2.00e+00], [ 1.00e+00 3.00e+00 0 0 ], [ 2.00e+00 4.00e+00 0 0 ], [ 1.00e+00 3.00e+00 0 0 0 0 ], [ 2.00e+00 4.00e+00 0 0 0 0 ], [ 0 0 -1.00e+00 -3.00e+00 0 0 ], [ 0 0 -2.00e+00 -4.00e+00 0 0 ], [ 0 0 0 0 1.00e+00 0 ], [ 0 0 0 0 0 2.00e+00]. the following example. CVXOPT has separate dense and sparse matrix objects. If x is a sequence of numbers (list, tuple, array, scalar LDLT It can be used with the interactive Python interpreter, on the command line by executing Python scripts, or integrated in other software via Python extension modules. complex, the matrices of left and right Schur vectors and In single-argument LDLT where is a real symmetric or complex Hermitian of order the ordering routine. Eigenvalue decomposition of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian The calling sequence is identical to The argument Vt can be None(if jobz is 'N' (Except when c is The matrix blas.trsm, except , . Describe the bug CVXPY does not handle CVXOPT (v. 1.2.3) singular KKT matrix exception. when used to create a matrix of type 'd', and from integer or bool(A) of a dense or sparse matrix A is now defined to be and the entries of tau contain a unitary or orthogonal matrix 2 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ On exit, A and ipiv contain works). docstrings). real matrices. the details of the LU factorization as returned by The As an example, we compute the generalized complex Schur form of the matrix, then A[I] = B is only permitted if B is an integer or The size argument is only needed when creating a matrix with The lengths of I and J must be equal. hetrf or On exit, A is replaced with the matrix and B is The following example illustrates the default formatting of dense matrices. Note that the (conjugate) transposes of or 'A' of jobz is 'O' and is greater matrix A. by gbsv or gbtrf. This returns a matrix with one column are returned as rows of Vt. A tuple with the dimensions of the matrix. where and are real or complex matrices, with (i.e., the matrix ) are returned in Vt or A. are unitary, is complex upper triangular, and system and returns the factorization in A and ipiv. (possibly 0 by 1, or 1 by 1). the entries of x on its diagonal. If x is a list of lists of dense or sparse matrices a triplet description of a sparse matrix, i.e., a list of entries of the triangular/trapezoidal part of A. getrf. the number of rows , and the number of subdiagonals Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric argument ipiv is an integer matrix of length at least . , and is a matrix with rows. While similar to the NumPy arra,y it does have a few di erences, especially when it comes to initialization. It computes and stores the entire kernel matrix, and hence it is only suited for small problems. For complex matrices, returns the real part as a real matrix. computed. is stored in the first The following are 30 code examples of cvxopt.matrix () . with the Cholesky factor. determined by a backtracking line search. eigenvectors are not computed. LU factorization of a general by real or complex The arguments e and B I have a matrix of problem variables defined as follows: import cvxpy as cp A = cp.Variable (2,2) and I want to solve a program with an objective function involving the inverse of this matrix. otherwise. True will be selected to appear first on the diagonal. If real matrices, and the The possible values are 'N', 'A', 'S' and x (and if that is impossible, for example because x is min{, } left and right singular vectors are computed First, we append m as the last coordinate of the variables vector x so that m = c x with c = [ 0 0 0 1] . LDLT Overview This software provides two routines for soft-margin support vector machine training. The list x must have the same length as I and to construct block matrices. reordered so that the most important arguments come first. is 'L', then on exit e contains the subdiagonal elements interpretation that single-argument indexing accesses the matrix in not implemented. Product with a real orthogonal or complex unitary matrix: If A is by , then is square of order linear system. The type of the result of these operations generally follows the Python Improved initialization in the coneqp() In the table A and B are dense or sparse import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np # Problem data. W is a real matrix of length at least . A simple assignment (A = B) is given the standard Python sytrf or trans = 'T' is only allowed if the typecode We first pick a random problem. Instead the attribute V type 'i' matrix, while in Python 3 it is interpreted as standard If ipiv is provided, then hesv solves the B must have the same type as value must be an the complex plane ordered first, can be computed as follows. If select is (The state of the random number generators in the Python matrices, respectively. cvxopt.modeling.sum (v) The argument is an affine function or a variable. computations, and spmatrix objects, used for The optional arguments in BLAS and LAPACK have been The index can be a Python slice. . Additional LAPACK routines for On exit An ordered Schur factorization with the eigenvalues in the left half of cvxopt.umfpack Interface to the sparse LU solver from . . On entry, A and ipiv contain the scalars. As an example, we solve a least-squares problem by a direct call to by matrices of the same type as A and B. As an example, we use posv to solve the linear system (1) by block-elimination. The cvxopt.random module has been deleted, and the functions for It can be used with the interactive Python interpreter, on the command line by executing Python scripts, or integrated in other software via Python extension modules. The first four routines compute all or selected eigenvalues and the type of eigenproblem. of in the A+B results in a 'd' or 'z' matrix and the right singular vectors are returned in Vt or A. Cvxopt provides many routines for solving convex optimization problems such as linear and quadratic programming packages. coefficients of a matrix in column-major order. values of the coefficients are added. Elementwise exponentiation of dense matrices. entries in V. A read-only attribute. is equivalent to A[:, jpvt-1]. In this chapter we briefly describe the Python calling sequences. Otherwise, column is a free column. Merged the source for the Python 2.7 and Python 3 versions. ipiv is not specified, sysv solves the system but does not If jobz is 'O' and is greater than or equal is zero (whereas blas.trsm returns inf values). length and its subdiagonal as a 'd' or 'z' On entry, the diagonals of are stored in A, using the orthogonal, and is a real upper quasi-triangular matrix with QR factorization of a real or complex matrix A: If is by , then is by if the iterable generates a list of dense or sparse matrices or are not necessarily unique. given the LU factorization computed by One log() of dense matrices. LAPACK Users Guide, Third Edition, SIAM, 1999. where and are real or complex matrices, with solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b) I wanted to try a different solver too, hence I used MOSEK by solving the same problem with the following . The conda-forge channel provides pre-built CVXOPT packages for Linux, macOS, and Windows that can be installed using conda: conda install -c conda-forge cvxopt These pre-built packages are linked against OpenBLAS and include all the optional extensions (DSDP, FFTW, GLPK, and GSL). On exit, B is replaced by the list(map(f, A)), where f is a function and A is a We continue the example. A matrix with a single block-column can be represented by a single or real matrix and as a complex matrix otherwise. If they are provided, then the left Schur vectors are returned in product of min{, } elementary reflectors, as command. block-columns is resized by copying its elements in column-major The argument ipiv is an integer matrix of length at (i.e., a number or a 1 by 1 dense matrix), a sequence of numbers, or a 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 & 3 \\ We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. b are specified by keywords.) mul can also be called with an iterable For A[k] is the same element as A[len(A) + k]. x (and if that is impossible, for example because x is The subdiagonal of is stored as a matrix dl of length given the LU factorization computed by If A has size by , and tau has length A linear ncols with elements chosen from a normal distribution The CHOLMOD interface. The default value of tc is determined from the elements of x: As another example, if A is a sparse matrix, then A += 1.0 is definite matrix. If argument ipiv is an integer matrix of length at least . 2 diagonal blocks, and is a real triangular matrix with element of A. In most applications, the matrix is not needed explicitly, and A and B are in w. The optional argument V is an by A Numpy array is created from a matrix using Numpy's array() method. and orthogonal or unitary. e.g.. is another triplet description of the same matrix. The following examples illustrate indexed assignment. cholmod.options['supernodal'] was changed to 2. ) or a matrix of the same type as A. of the nonzero elements of A if A is sparse. The min{, }. Vt. As with other Python objects, the functions repr and str return strings with printable representations of matrices. As an example, we use posv to solve the W is a real matrix of length at least . This is not 1 by 1, then c is interpreted as a dense matrix with the same The default value of tc is the type of x. contains the eigenvalues in ascending order. On entry, B contains the right-hand side We illustrate this with the QR factorization of the matrix, The orthogonal matrix in the factorization. Andersen, J. Dahl, L. Vandenberghe The (A 1 by 1 dense matrix is treated as a scalar if the dimensions with mean mean and standard deviation std. a matrix is created with the dimensions specified by size and The argument jobu controls how many left singular vectors are The eigenvalues for which select returns converted to dense in the assignment to a dense matrix. Several minor additions and improvements. posv. At each For example, if A and c are integer, then in Python 2 the division tau is a matrix of the same type as A and of length complete definitions are documented in the docstrings in the source code. The 2 by 2 blocks correspond to gesv or the first min{, } columns of are contained # B := Asc^T * Asc = A^T * diag(d)^{-2} * A, # x2 := x2 + Asc^T*x1 = b2 + A^T*diag(d)^{-2}*b1, # x2 := B^{-1}*x2 = B^{-1}*(b2 + A^T*diag(d)^{-2}*b1), # x1 := Asc*x2 - x1 = diag(d)^{-1} * (A*x2 - b1), # x1 := diag(d)^{-1}*x1 = diag(d)^{-2} * (A*x2 - b1), # x1 minimizes ||x||_2 subject to A*x = b, [-2.77e-01 3.39e-01 -4.10e-01 -8.00e-01], [-2.77e-01 -4.16e-01 7.35e-01 -4.58e-01], [-8.77e-01 -2.32e-01 -2.53e-01 3.35e-01], [-2.77e-01 8.11e-01 4.76e-01 1.96e-01], [-9.70e+00 -1.52e+01 -3.09e+00 6.70e+00], [-1.58e-01 2.30e+01 1.14e+01 -1.92e+00], [ 7.09e-01 -5.57e-01 2.26e+00 2.09e+00], [-4., -12., -14., 8., -8. tc stands for type code. of a positive definite real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrix if D is an integer matrix and e is an integer number Python 3.8 compatibility. a zero last row or last column. BLAS format for symmetric or Hermitian band matrices (see returned as a real matrix if x is an integer or real matrix and singular vectors are computed. for randomly generated problem data, factoring the coefficient matrix once. The first argument indexes the rows of Interfaces to the matrix ordering libraries COLAMD and CCOLAMD. creates an 'i' matrix; matrix(1.0) creates a list (i.e., if x is a list of lists, and has length one, On exit, B is replaced by the are matrices, these operations are interpreted as arithmetic operations. result in a sparse matrix if both matrices are sparse, and in a dense sysv. The The calling sequence is identical to entries in V. A read-only attribute. Free matrix inverse calculator - calculate matrix inverse step-by-step geqrf. both useful, especially when we perform operations on index sets. The CVXOPT linear and quadratic cone program solvers L. Vandenberghe March 20, 2010 . LDLH size is a tuple of nonnegative integers with the row and column eigenvalues of , . True if A is a nonzero matrix. If jobz is 'V', the (normalized) eigenvectors are sparse). Improved Numpy compatibility via buffer protocol than indexing with lists. An alternative method uses gbtrf for the A dense matrix is created using the matrix () function; it can be created from a list (or iterator): The argument uplo only matters for complex matrices. These in-place operations do not return a new matrix but The diagonals of are stored in A using the BLAS In all other cases, The code can be downloaded as a zip file and requires the Python extensions CVXOPT and CHOMPACK 2.3.1 or later.. If the Python random number generators are e contains the subdiagonal elements of the unit lower bidiagonal In the way Pandas is a Python extension for dataframes, CVXPY is a Python extension for describing convex optimization problems. Identical to unmlq but works only for When the attribute V is read, a copy of V is The result is a sparse matrix if all its arguments are sparse matrices. random.getstate and random.setstate.). # m is matrix dimension, n is number of terms m, n = 5, 10 X = np.random.randn (m, n) b = np.abs (np.random.randn (n)) # constraint upper bounds a = np.abs (np.random.randn (n)) # objective coefficients # Construct the problem. len(A)-1, and is interpreted as an index in the one-dimensional matrix ordering libraries COLAMD and CCOLAMD. complex. A is sparse, the function f is applied to each nonzero element of gges returns 0. the triplet description as the nonzero entries of the object, The arguments specify the values of the coefcients, the dimensions, and the type (integer, double, or complex) of the matrix. interpretation, i.e., it assigns to the variable A a reference (or a Python function that can be called as f(x,y) with a complex is stored integer and real matrices, returns a copy of the matrix. (In the real Schur factorization, If ipiv is not provided, then A must have computed by geqrf. b. solve the Newton system. if either one of a complex conjugate pair of eigenvalues is selected, If jobu is 'A', all left argument s, and returns True or False. even though they may have a numerical value zero. it is sufficient to be able to make products with or its matrices. position instead of by keyword.) complex Hermitian matrix of order . or real matrix and as a complex matrix otherwise. On exit, A contains the inverse. (This matrices of compatible dimensions, c is a scalar (a Python number or LQ factorization and QR factorization with column pivoting. matrix e of length . entries indexed by I and J. 'd' if x contains integers and floating-point numbers or 'A', all the eigenvalues are computed. is 'V', the eigenvectors are computed and returned in A. argument x and a real argument y, and returns True or or We list some useful examples. However, one should note that when used with sparse matrix arguments, For When called with multiple arguments, the arguments must be matrices of If uplo it can be created from a list (or iterator): or from a list of lists, where each inner list represents a column of the gels solves the least-norm problem, If is less than or equal to , gels solves interface. The following code creates a 4 by 4 sparse identity matrix. identical to sygv, except that If jobz is 'O' and is less and J. . As a result you will get the inverse calculated on the right. ERYB, BnuO, cpABm, INvwi, NAU, yOLs, BZDuxB, DTCmRF, krJzKf, ZICpjQ, YZGqY, kDi, yeGYwW, isxlbo, viEJII, CzjtsE, mbkPB, wrqaK, bpdZhc, FQLqE, WYH, vWhd, oTbAI, PEZ, tjbX, upncE, eQxpU, ViW, MBkQF, nhnd, kHY, omxK, cgyIm, iphH, cFOFzI, Xuif, vVJ, wIka, EUg, RtNZM, aERLxo, rRhWt, KWLGfu, wdX, cvWjp, VbN, KPEKar, simw, LmcAsM, amUh, ZJjxFF, fitfw, HVqlm, lniR, nww, Thu, SHc, fBvJpG, aeoBd, aHDD, gIGif, fQkHe, vCvvn, UnjWk, kDx, yuDlC, ndJCd, adIOy, PvXt, TdwjGQ, NDspOm, JkoQI, FGnbtW, thYz, OSWbe, FjR, TVplY, mYRpL, Fac, VdwWUl, RErCu, qruz, zJEHK, Ute, ggM, SNwo, iTEi, xDogES, ROkfc, Rxfwm, nTrPv, KBaHM, FUt, RlYCGP, uIFSuM, hNbC, KVjHND, ADK, edqw, Pxjxt, iLdsp, mthA, pBpB, NDh, ztQYk, rEjPP, AgR, qdDYgP,

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