Continue with Recommended Cookies. Your email address will not be published. i am using windows x64 based processor. How To Install Python Package Numpy, Pandas, Scipy, Matplotlib On Windows, Mac And Linux. Im sure its to do with swap size or zRAM (I havent tried this). rev2022.11.4.43007. La version Long Terme de QGIS est disponible dans le dpt des utilisateurs dArch (AUR). I tried installing the libraries manually but all of them are up to date. Ill appreciate if you can help me. Any suggestions would be helpful. I wanted to know if my versions allow to work later for the detection of the eyes and the face. apt-get update apt-get install python3-kwant python-kwant-doc Ubuntu and derivatives. It might be worth adding that to your excellent instructions. I have tried running sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get update fix-missing but to no effect. Change to TensorFlow env: It was released on May 23, 2020 and supported until May 2025. Change to TensorFlow env: In order to use ROS terminal commands and let catkin find your ROS program files such as header files in your includes directory, you will need to run the setup.bash file after you run apt install. QGIS est disponible pour Windows, macOS, Linux, Android et iOS. Install OpenCV library with pip. only up to QGIS 3.26 (Qt 5.13 required for 3.27). It can take 10 minutes to install dlib on a standard laptop/desktop. The Express installs reference the corresponding -full variant and the Using pips no-cache-dir switch allowed the install to complete 0k. I resolved by: Had similar issues. Open a dos window, then run the command python to go to the python interactive console. How to generate a horizontal histogram with words? environment: Run brew unlink python && brew link python. Learn how to upgrade to Python3. Hi Adrian, Now I want to install the Scipy library on my Ubuntu Linux OS, and I find the below command in, then I run the below command in a terminal. Today I am going to demonstrate how to install dlib with Python bindings on both macOS and Ubuntu. Une version ancienne, obsolte et non optimise pour le tactile de QGIS pour Android peut tre trouve sur le google play store. Good to know. Python should be available in your system via the python3 command. 2022 Copyright phoenixNAP | Global IT Services. I installed dlib on Linux 16.04 no issues at all. How often are they spotted? Ubuntu and Raspbian are Debian-based so you can actually use the Ubuntu instructions to install dlib on your Raspberry Pi. Can we have a same installation process for windows also please.. You not only made the wrong choice with Windows, but you are also abusive to Adrian. This method doesn't work for earlier versions. After installing, make sure you logout and log back in! The dlib library doesnt have any real Python prerequisites, but if you plan on using dlib for any type of computer vision or image processing, I would recommend installing: These packages can be installed via pip : Years ago, we had to compile dlib manually from source (similar to how we install OpenCV). By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Hello Adrian, Exchanging Public Keys ! Debian/Ubuntu Dmarrage rapide sudo dnf install qgis python3-qgis qgis-grass. I dont have the exact timings on me but the last time I installed dlib on a Pi 3B+ it did take a few hours. The ros-noetic-core is a collection of the bare minimum core packages. Instead of adding directly to /etc/apt/sources.list, we will create a new list file ros-noetic.list. $ docker run --gpus all -it cupy/cupy /usr/bin/python3 FAQ# pip fails to install CuPy# Or has to involve complex mathematics and equations? Hi Adrian, I tried to work with dlib on your virtual machine, and tried to install it via this post and also tried the updated post on installing dlib. Choose Express Install and select QGIS to install the latest release install different versions of QGIS in different versions of Debian/Ubuntu. For python3: pip3 install Pillow Dubrzr. If anyones interested in installing dlib the compile or pip way on Raspberry Pi, remember to increase your swap memory in /etc/dphys-swapfile Pre-configured Jupyter Notebooks in Google Colab To have newer versions, you have to add alternative software repositories, by If you want to do data analysis in python, you always need to use python packages like Numpy, Pandas, Scipy and Matplotlib, etc. If CMake is reporting configuration failed then there was a problem configuring the build. Install numpy+mkl before other packages that depend on it. Faites attention. I perfromed all the steps but it is not mapping to cv environment like No module cv2 in the python dlib can you please suggest me. Installation#. Step 1 Set up ROS Noetic repo for Ubuntu 20.04. I would suggest you use a Unix-based machine such as Linux or macOS for computer vision/deep learning. The Python2 version shipped with macOS is out of date compared to the latest official Python3 release. Obtenez les paquets pour Fedora en tapant: Les dpts de logiciels par dfaut sous Fedora conservent souvent les anciennes versions de QGIS. 3. Requires numpy+mkl, scipy, matplotlib, pyqt4, libsvm, vigra, jsonlib_python31.6.1cp37cp37mwin_amd64.whl; jsonlib_python31.6.1cp37cp37mwin32.whl; jsonlib_python31.6.1cp36cp36mwin_amd64.whl; Les dpts de logiciels par dfaut sous Debian ou Ubuntu conservent souvent les anciennes versions de QGIS. Hi, I receive the following errors after running sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full : Ign:1 focal/main amd64 ruby-net-telnet all 0.1.1-2 Err:2 focal/universe amd64 libtar0 amd64 1.2.20-8 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] Ign:3 focal/main amd64 python3-constantly all 15.1.0-1build1 Err:1 focal/main amd64 ruby-net-telnet all 0.1.1-2 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] Err:3 focal/main amd64 python3-constantly all 15.1.0-1build1 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with fix-missing? Step 2: Thanks. looking forward to some tutorials with dlib. For that: source ~/.bashrc . Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Instead of import, it showed unchanged, could I know why and can somebobdy assist me? Note that this is different from the official wiki article as ros-latest.list wont stay true if there is a new release of ROS. Do we need to do any extra setup for GPU support of dlib? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. When i gave pip3 install scipy --trusted-host --trusted-host , I got the error Failed building wheel for scipy . Anyway, whilst running the pip install dlib command I also fired off top swap used peaked at 500Mb so far no wonder it hung with the default swap setting. On Ubuntu I had to run sudo apt-get install python-pillow Dec 7, 2016 at 4:01. For that: source ~/.bashrc . Tlcharger linstallateur OSGeo4W et lexcuter. But occasionally, if you are installing on a robot that does not have to have any GUI, you want to install ros-noetic-ros-base to save some space and avoid some ROS packages using your CPU and memory resources. Your email address will not be published. Please refer to dlib official site for Windows instructions. I also had the MemoryError problem installing scipy on my Pi 3. is a shortcut of source. Access on mobile, laptop, desktop, etc. Use following steps. Once you start the boost-python install, consider going for a nice walk as the build can take a bit of time (10-15 minutes). Everything is described step by step, its a breeze. Binwalk uses the nosetest library for tests and coverage for test-coverage: Binwalk uses the pycryptodome (pycrypto-compatible module that is still maintained) library to decrypt some known encrypted firmware images: Binwalk uses pyqtgraph to generate graphs and visualizations, which requires the following (exact dependencies may vary based on your distro refer to for more details): Binwalk's --disasm option requires the Capstone disassembly framework and its corresponding Python bindings: Binwalk relies on multiple external utilties in order to automatically extract/decompress files and data: Note that for Debian/Ubuntu users, all of the above dependencies can be installed automatically using the included script: If IDA is installed on your system, you may optionally install the binwalk IDA plugin: Likewise, the binwalk IDA plugin can be uninstalled: If binwalk has been installed to a standard system location (e.g., via install), it can be removed by running: Note that this does not remove any of the manually installed dependencies. I guess now I do not have any plans, eitherto spend my money on your products. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. Dec 8, 2016 at 17:41. I finally find the below method to fix this error. sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get install npm CentOS Node.js Choose the first one if you are in doubt. To install Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04, first we will need to add the official ROS Noetic repo to sources.list. To install the these minimal pre-requisites on Ubuntu/Debian like linux operating systems, execute (in a terminal): sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools gcc libtinfo-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential cmake libedit-dev libxml2-dev i am getting following error: However, reading the comments made it clear you have less idea to install dlib on Windows. Using dnf: sudo dnf install python3-scipy macOS. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Robot Operating System (ROS or in lowercase ros) is the most widely used framework to program robots, more than 50% robots run on ROS. Ils sont seulement fournis des fins de test afin que des utilisateurs vrifient ds le dbut si les bogues ont t rsolus et si aucun nouveau bogue na t introduit. Tom. awesome how-to guide! Can you help me with this one only. It is generally a good practice in order to separate your project environment and global environment. How to fix? To install the these minimal pre-requisites on Ubuntu/Debian like linux operating systems, execute (in a terminal): sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools gcc libtinfo-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential cmake libedit-dev libxml2-dev Once done move to the next step. In addition, you also know the ROS master URI is on the 11311 port which is the default ROS port. Which operating system/hardware are you trying to compile dlib on? I have a nice idea for you. However, when I import dlib in python3.6, I get an error: illegal instruction: 4. 6. However, when I try to import dlib I get this error: passer une version stable de Debian et utiliser les paquets sortis pour cela. Yes, absolutely. So, no one really develops tutorials for Windows. I assume that everyone, including myself, has a bad day from time-to-time. 6. python -m pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose In Python, data types provide information about a variable and what operations it supports. Run sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full to finally install Noetic on you Ubuntu 20.04 machine. Hi Mohamed this seems like it might be an Anaconda-related issue. Noetic only supports Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10, otherwise you will get this error message: Unable to locate package ros-noetic-desktop-full. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. I have a problem, after entering its product it showed: Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.2rzZXNEMFZ/ keyserver hkp:// recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654 gpg: key F42ED6FBAB17C654: Open Robotics not changed gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: unchanged: 1. Il ny a actuellement pas de prise en charge dAndroid 5. Look for ward to facial landmark detection. My problem was not with scipy, but with xmlsec. Adrian, I keep getting errors when I try to install scikit-image on my Raspbian. Note that for Debian/Ubuntu users, all of the above dependencies can be installed automatically using the included script: $ sudo ./ Il sagit dun simple port de lapplication QGIS Desktop. And I install python 3.8 manually. Machine Learning Engineer and 2x Kaggle Master, Click here to download the source code to this post,,,,'tthePythonbindingscompilework,,,,, Facial landmarks with dlib, OpenCV, and Python - PyImageSearch, Detect eyes, nose, lips, and jaw with dlib, OpenCV, and Python - PyImageSearch, Install dlib on the Raspberry Pi - PyImageSearch, I suggest you refer to my full catalog of books and courses, Detect eyes, nose, lips, and jaw with dlib, OpenCV, and Python, Facial landmarks with dlib, OpenCV, and Python, Optimizing dlib shape predictor accuracy with find_min_global, Tuning dlib shape predictor hyperparameters to balance speed, accuracy, and model size, Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python. The Seceret Keys are Verified and SucessfullyExchanged Public Keys !! To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. and/or QGIS LTR to install the long term release. If note. Already a member of PyImageSearch University? Are there small citation mistakes in published papers and how serious are they? Without knowing the error, its impossible to provide any help or insight. The Raspian default is 100Mb on the SD card! Instead of closing the Ubuntu WSL app to make sure the installation will take place effectively, simply reload the shell. They install packages for the entire computer, often use older versions, and dont have as many available versions. I ran into the same issue, albeit on an Apple M1 Macbook Pro. They install packages for the entire computer, often use older versions, and dont have as many available versions. 8. this:'tthePythonbindingscompilework Having a separate Python version adds a layer of protection to your system. $ brew install cmake $ brew install boost $ brew install boost-python --with-python3 The --with-python3 flag ensures that Python 3 bindings for Boost.Python are compiled as well Python 2.7 bindings are compiled by default. After running the command above, you will see the output: deb focal main. Si vous voulez installer QGIS Serveur (notez quil nest pas courant dinstaller les applications client et serveur sur la mme machine), tapez : flatpak run--devel--command = Thanks Simba and congrats on getting dlib installed. Un installateur indpendant nocturne mis jour du master QGIS peut tre tlcharg depuis ici. are based on ubuntugis, which held more Si vous souhaitez installer QGIS Server, tapez : Veuillez supprimer tous les paquets QGIS et GRASS que vous auriez installs depuis dautres sources avant de procder la mise jour. dependencies that some popular - not included - plugins use and the latter ! )print(\n-), Practical 4: RSAimport mathprint(\n)print(\n\t\t\t INPUT VALUES)p = int(input(\n\tEnter First Prime NO. An IDE is like a toolbox and a Code editor is like a power tool. use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly. q-> ))print(\n\n)m = int(input(\n\tEnter the Message to Cypher -> ))print(\n\n)# cal n and phi(n)n = p*qphin = (p-1)*(q-1)#for finding ee= 0for i in range(2,phin):if((math.gcd(i,phin)==1)):e= ibreak#for finding dd = 1for i in range(e,phin):if((math.fmod((i*e),phin)==1)):d = ibreak#ciypher textc = int(math.fmod((m**e),n))print(\n\n\n\n\n)print(\n\t\t\t Output VALUES)print(\n\tFollowing is the Cypher Text c-> ,c)print(\n\n)#decryptdecrypt = int( math.fmod((c**d),n))print(\n\tFollowing is the decyphered message -> ,decrypt), Practical 5: Elliptic Curvefrom tinyec import registryimport secretsimport time#For Display Purposedef compress(pubKey):return hex(pubKey.x) + hex(pubKey.y % 2)[2:]#Curve Selectioncurve = registry.get_curve(secp192r1)print(\nThe Curve Used is -> secp192r1 )print(\n-)print(\n\t\t\t PUBLIC KEYS)#User AAPrivKey = secrets.randbelow(curve.field.n) #naAPubKey = APrivKey * curve.g #PA = na * Gprint(\n\n\tUser A public key:, compress(APubKey))#User BBPrivKey = secrets.randbelow(curve.field.n) #nbBPubKey = BPrivKey * curve.g #PB = nb * Gprint(\n\tUser B public key:, compress(BPubKey))print(\n-)print(\n\t\t\tNow exchange the public keys)time.sleep(3)print(\n-)print(\n\t\t\t Shared KEYS)#Display Shared Key KASharedKey = APrivKey * BPubKey #K = na * PBprint(\n\tUser A Shared key:, compress(ASharedKey))BSharedKey = BPrivKey * APubKey #K = nb* PAprint(\n\tUser B Shared key:, compress(BSharedKey))print(\n), Your email address will not be published. Discover the best one for you. Can you please try on a different system that uses the instructions Ive detailed in this post (i.e., without Anaconda)? Let us know if you have any other questions in the comment! Hey Mojtaba did you install dlib into the Python virtual environment included with the VM? I have been successful speeding up training on M1+GPU on TF 2.5. And thats exactly what I do. This is literally what the OP tried first. LinuxMongoDB MongoDB linux 64 Linux Red Hat/CentOS sudo yum install libcurl openssl Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic)/Debian 10 Buster sudo apt-get install libcurl4 o.. DES ENCRYPTION !! just before I install all the project dependencies. I noted that my Pi is a lot more responsive to user input during the install having done this (previously I had to pull the plug to get it back) Both products are free, you can get VirtualBox from As for detecting eyes and faces, OpenCV 2.4 will work provided youre using Haar cascades. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Weve seen at least one example on a Fedora system where cmake compiled using a user-installed version of boost and then linked against the system version. Do you think learning computer vision and deep learning has to be time-consuming, overwhelming, and complicated? AppImage is a format for distributing portable software on Linux without needing superuser permissions to install the application. In the last step pip install dlib, it is stuck there (It was also happened with the three packages installation commands) like: $ pip install dlib Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Id love to know your config which allows it to install in 10 minutes. The tutorial will resolve any issues installing dlib on the Raspberry Pi. Next week well start exploring how to use dlib; specifically,facial landmark detection. Install OpenCV library with pip. Is it wise to uninstall it? Thanks Adrian. Thanks for sharing this amazing and exciting C++ library. i finally install dlib success!! All Rights Reserved. Access to centralized code repos for all 500+ tutorials on PyImageSearch You will see output like the following, especially the text in bold: Now we are ready to install Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04 after all the preparation work. Ubuntu apt . ****:0.0 export DISPLAY=192.168. It makes use of swap settings similar to yours. sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib. Oh, and one last recommendation. The dlib library only has four primary prerequisites: Ill show you how to install each of these prerequisites on your Ubuntu or macOS machine below. ~/.bashrc. Thanks a lot. for the latest M1 type of mac , before creating a virtualenv do switch zsh to x86 type. However, I am facing the following error with dlib and I struggle to find a solution to this. If youre using Homebrew on top of this as well it would only further make the issue as well. The script automatically downloads and installs the pip package for Python. Keep in mind that most of the dlib functionality doesnt have Python bindings, only C++. Having a separate Python version adds a layer of protection to your system. Note that for Debian/Ubuntu users, all of the above dependencies can be installed automatically using the included script: $ sudo ./ Add the QGIS repo for the latest stable QGIS (3.28.x Firenze) to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qgis.sources: Suites in above lines depends on your distribution. Execute the following commands in a terminal: SciPy, Matplotlib, Sympy, MPMath, Pytest, Six, Tinyarray, and Kwant itself. works like champ the first try! Thanks for your solution, this can work on Rocky8 default python version. Install python3 and python3-pip using the package manager of the Linux Distribution. Installation#. sir i checked and it is available but for five times, export DISPLAY={192.168. Installez dabord quelques outils dont vous aurez besoin pour cette instruction: Installez maintenant la cl de signature QGIS, afin que le logiciel QGIS du dpt QGIS soit fiable et install. $ cd node $ sudo ./configure $ sudo make $ sudo make install node $ node --version v0.10.25 Ubuntu apt-get . After you run the command above, you will see the following output.,, Run this command to add the ROS Noetic repo to apt's source list: echo "deb focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-focal.list, Run the following command to add the ROS key to authenticate the ROS packages: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver 'hkp://' --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654. Press Command + Space Bar and type in Terminal. Normally it would be in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/, but youll want to check on your own machine first. Like Ubuntus ubuntu-dektop, ubuntu-desktop-mini packages, ROS comes with metapackages for you to install. Congrats on getting OpenCV installed Ampharos, nice job! VarHowto uses Akismet to reduce spam. The method installs pip via the command line. I faced similiar problem while installing pycocotools. UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X, FreeBSD 1go1.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz Note I also made another post about using no-cache-dir when installing scipy. if you do have a version of the boost libraries pre-installed and you want to use your own version, be careful when you build the code. !)time.sleep(3)print(\n-)ka= math.fmod((yb**xa) , p)kb= math.fmod((ya**xb) , p)print(\n-)print(\n\tSecret key of user A -> +str(ka))print(\n\tSecret key of user B -> +str(kb))print(\n-)if ka==kb :print(\n-)print(\n\t!!! Shell ., Version avec les dpendances ubuntugis-unstable, Compilation de nuit de la prochaine version de Debian et Ubuntu 5, Install Anaconda for Python 3.5 - Can install from here for 64 bit windows . For Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 6 or 7, follow the instructions here. You actually dont even need the external drive if you increase your swap file size. The last release was ROS Melodic and will reach end of support in May 2023. To verify that you have installed pip correctly, check the pip version on your system. When i ran the command pip install dlib it gives two error Failed building wheel for dlib and error: cmake configuration failed!. Install Python 3 using homebrew (brew install python) or by manually installing the package from, Compilation de nuit de la prochaine version avec les dpendances ubuntugis-unstable 5,, if you are in the environment of conda, then you should use: cause conda will install all the dependencies necessary and make sure the building successful. Alternatively to Express you also use the Advanced Install, navigate to the Have fun programming your robot with the latest ROS release ROS Noetic on the latest Ubuntu Ubuntu 20.04! 2 note mount path (something like /media/pi/philips in my case), set the following values :- 53+ courses on essential computer vision, deep learning, and OpenCV topics Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. but yea after trying hundreds of times i found solution. Install via ensurepip. Straightforward install due to the very clear instructions, also on Ubuntu 16.04. From the documentation I read that they first install these packages: After doing this the installation of python3-saml worked for me. Make sure you have Homebrew installed by running the following command: The command installs the latest Python, pip, and setuptools. galement disponible avec les dpendances ubuntugis-unstable ? How much RAM did you allocate to your virtual machine? ). Wait for few minutes until the process of setting up Anaconda Navigator on WSL Ubuntu has not been completed. As far as face detection goes, youll want to compile dlib from source rather than a pip install. brew install boost-python with-python3 is not working anymore. The install is likely not stuck. Im not sure what is going on in their life and what other pressures outside of computer vision (work, school, family, etc.) 4. Use the -o option to set the name of the downloaded file. vm guest (mem 2048mb install dlib success! Did you install all the dependencies without error? Reload the Shell. You would need to find the location to your first. If you are using conda environment, use this as well: Simply installing the dependent failing package (in your case scipy) separately will fix the issue. Building wheels for collected packages: dlib If you cannot upgrade to 20.04 or install 20.04, which means you are stuck with 18.04 unfortunately, we recommend you continue using or installing ROS Melodic. Bien que vous voyiez Debian certains endroits, cela fonctionne galement pour Ubuntu, car lun est en fait un lien symbolique avec lautre sur notre serveur. What is a good way to make an abstract board game truly alien? of hours spent on Driving )plt.title(Linear Regression), Practical 2: Decision Treeimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdprint(\n\n)#reading datasetdataset = pd.read_csv(DT.csv)x = dataset.iloc[:,:-1]y = dataset.iloc[:,5].values#perform label encodingfrom sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoderlabelencoder_X = LabelEncoder()x= x.apply(LabelEncoder().fit_transform)print(x)from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifierregressor = DecisionTreeClassifier()[:,1:5].values,y)#predict value for the given expressionx_in =np.array([1,1,0,0])Y_pred = regressor.predict([x_in])print(\n)print (\n\nPrediction of given Test Data is {}.format(Y_pred[0]))print(\n)#from sklearn.externals.six import StringIOfrom six import StringIOfrom IPython.display import Imagefrom sklearn.tree import export_graphvizimport pydotplusdot_data = StringIO()export_graphviz(regressor, out_file = dot_data, filled =True,rounded = True,special_characters = True)graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue())graph.write_png(tree.png), Practical 3: KNNimport numpy as npimport pandas as pd#reading datasetdataset = pd.read_csv(data.csv)x = dataset.iloc[:,:-1]y = dataset.iloc[:,2].values#perform label encodingfrom sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifierclassifier = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3),y)#predict value for the given expressionX_in =np.array([6,2])y_pred = classifier.predict([X_in])print(\n\n -\n)print (\tPrediction of the Given Values [6,2] is :{} .format(y_pred[0]))classifier =KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3,weights=distance),y)y_pred = classifier.predict([X_in])print (\n\tDistance Weight KNN: , y_pred), Practical 4: K-meansfrom statistics import modeimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport pandas as pd#Data SetX = [ [0.1,0.6],[0.15,0.71],[0.08,0.9],[0.16,0.85],[0.2,0.3],[0.25,0.5],[0.24,0.1],[0.3,0.2]]#Initalize Centre Pointscenters = np.array( [ [0.1,0.6] , [0.3,0.2] ] )print(\n\nInitial Centriods -> {} and{}.format(centers[0],centers[1]))#Generating the Modelfrom sklearn.cluster import KMeansmodel = KMeans(n_clusters=2,init= centers, n_init=1) -> {} .format(model.labels_))print(\n )print(\n\t\t Answer of Given Questions )# Which cluster does P6 belongs to?print(\n\tP6 Belongs to Cluster : {}.format(model.labels_[5]))# What is the population of cluster around m2?print(\n\tPopulation around Cluster m2 = [0.15,0.71] : {}.format(np.count_nonzero(model.labels_== 1)))# What is updated value of m1 and m2(New Centriods)?print(\n\tUpdates Values of m1 and m2 New Centriods : {}and{}.format(model.cluster_centers_[0],model.cluster_centers_[1])), Practical 1: SDESfrom Crypto.Cipher import DESfrom secrets import token_byteskey = token_bytes(8)def encrypt(message):cipher = , DES.MODE_EAX)nonce = cipher.nonceciphertext,tag=cipher.encrypt_and_digest(message.encode(ascii))return nonce, ciphertext, tagdef decrypt(nonce , ciphertext,tag) , DES.MODE_EAX , nonce=nonce)plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)try:cipher.verify(tag)return plaintext.decode(ascii)except:return Falsept = input(Enter the Message -> )nonce,ciphertext,tag=encrypt(pt)print(\n\t\t\t\t\t !! Instead, my goal is to do the most good for the computer vision, deep learning, and OpenCV community at large by focusing my time on authoring high-quality blog posts, tutorials, and books/courses.

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