According to the local Yaw Defence Force (YDF), the junta used MI-35 attack helicopters to carry out multiple assaults on resistance fighters stationed near the dam as well as to transport troops into the area. The injured child was taken to the Kalay Township for treatment, but it was not known at the time of reporting if he survived his injuries. Likewise, ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) urged South-East Asia and the international community to take action and to use every means to prevent the Myanmar military from executing four political prisoners. NIMD had been active in Myanmar since . 6. septembra 2022. . The pagodas on Shwe Taung and Thin Kyate Taung hills in Myauk-U Township were also occupied by Myanmar army troops. Weekly Updates on Current Situation in Myanmar (5-6-2022) Over 16 months ago, on 1 February 2021, the Myanmar military attempted an illegal coup, toppled the civilian government, and unlawfully and unjustly detained State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint and other senior members of the civilian government, parliamentarians and activists. They also called on the military to ensure the right to freedom of expression and to immediately and unconditionally release the Japanese video journalist and all those who have been wrongfully detained for their peaceful expression. Prices for key household commodities have risen significantly, making some food items unaffordable. The people of Myanmar are facing an unprecedented political, socioeconomic, human rights and humanitarian crisis with needs escalating dramatically since the military takeover and a severeCOVID-19third wave. By November 2021, just 13 percent of Myanmar's 54 million population was fully vaccinated. Mizzima News reported that on 8 June 2022, a driver for the World Health Organization named Myo Min Htut was shot dead while he was riding his motorbike to return home after work in Mawlamyine Township, Mon State. On 29 May 2022, Thayet Kone Village of Khin-U Township was raided by the junta troops using heavy artillery. The locals from those areas dislike having military troops occupy religious areas which makes them feel unsafe and unbeing able to pay homage freely. Due to these brutal attacks, the local residents were forced to flee. HIGHLIGHTS. Disproportionate acts and Persecution against Media Workers. Although there were around 2,000 households in Koe Taw Boet Village, most of its inhabitants have fled the area due to the clashes. The junta has been limiting the transportation of medicine and ration from Monywa Township, which used to be the usual route for medicine and food supplies, since the start of its area clearance operations, causing similar situations in villages of Min Kin Township. He was transferred to Obo Prison in Mandalay after more than a month in the Mandalay Palace Interrogation Centre. Weekly Updates on Current Situation in Myanmar (3-4-2022) It has been one year and two months since the Myanmar military attempted an illegal coup, toppled the civilian government, and unlawfully detained State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint and other senior members of the civilian government, parliamentarians and activists. According to local sources, several people sheltering at the local school were detained during the raid. Since then, the Myanmar military has ignored the will of the people of Myanmar, placed the country in turmoil, and made the people suffer with inhumane and disproportionate actions. And the U.S. urges the release of all those unjustly detained. The body of the victim would be cremated at the cemetery in Kyauktaw town, as junta troops had also reportedly mined the area around Yoke Thars cemetery. Weekly Updates on Current Situation in Myanmar. For 2022, the humanitarian affairs office OCHA, says . It is reported that they were charged under section 33a of the 2004 Electronic Transactions Law. On 30 May 2022, the bodies of four villagers were discovered in Lel Ngauk Village of Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region. Save the Children has recorded 10 incidents in which schools were occupied by armed actors in the 32 townships where its education teams work. The situation is escalating . The teenagers suffered multiple injuries. Humanitarian responses and preparedness efforts are underway in high-risk areas. how to hire temporary foreign workers in canada. The update explained that the monsoon season is now in full swing with strong storms and heavy rain hitting Rakhine, Kachin, southern Shan, and Kayin since April, causing damage to shelters and further compounding existing vulnerabilities. The bodies of the two civilians from Kwae Htaunt Village were then burned. Four members of 'dynamite squad' killed in Khin-U Township Myanmar Now 06:08. In FY 2022, GDP is expected to contract, though to a lesser degree than in FY 2021. International sanctions, electricity shortages amid higher energy prices, and political uncertainty will weigh on the economy. The announcement stated that there was a bomb blast in a busy bus stop on Barr Street. He urged the international community to suspend all international representation of the military junta, to cut the revenue streams of the inhumane military and its leader and affiliates effectively, to make sure that the countries in the region cooperate fully and strictly in this regard, to call on ASEAN to step up further for ending the military dictatorship in Myanmar including preventing any representative of the military junta in its meetings and reviewing Five-point Consensus, to call on the United Nations in particular the UN Security Council to act swiftly all possible measures including through utilization of the principle of R2P, to take the example of providing assistance to Ukraine in providing needed assistance financially and in kind to the people of Myanmar, and to immediately recognize the NUG as a legitimate government of the people of Myanmar. The next day, the villager was questioned and tortured at a farm, on the way from Nat Myauk Village to Nat Taung Village, and later immolated. The statement said that the exact circumstances of the incident remain unclear. August 10, 2022 The Myanmar . ", the Spokesperson responded that the United Nations call in Myanmar is for a return to democracy, for respect of the fundamental rights of all people in Myanmar, including Aung San Suu Kyi. drywall 135 degree inside corner Menu Toggle; club car ds battery conversion Menu Toggle; teddy fabric for upholstery. In urban areas such as Hpakant and Myitkyina, explosive devices featured heavily in armed conflict incidents. It was reiterated that the Ministry has been conducting the Peoples Resistance in accordance with the Code of Conduct and military ethics in order to protect the civilian population from extra-judicial torture and killings by the junta. 10 East, 77th Street, New York, NY. Security checks, curfews, roadblocks and arbitrary arrests have also negatively impacted peoples freedom of movement. He also reiterated that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines the principles of equality before the law, the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, and all of the guarantees necessary for a persons defence. According to the sources, at least six people were taken into custody in Hlaing township, and at least two people were arrested in Bahan township. Resolution of taxation issues for humanitarian supplies is an urgent priority. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. According to AAPP, the military forces arrested a villager named Chit Lwin, a palm tree climber from Daung Chan Village in Kani Township of Sagaing Region on 5 June 2022. Webinar via Zoom. 5 May 2022. Traktori i poljoprivredna mehanizacija. municipality meaning. Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations. He added that some nearly 40,000 people from Myanmar are currently displaced in neighbouring India and Thailand. On 6 March 2022, several shells landed on the monastery where the camp is located, injuring 10 people, including three children. 10075, Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations, New York, Weekly Updates on Current Situation in Myanmar (7 August 2022). The outlook for 2022 remains dire, with the key drivers of need - conflict, COVID-19, economic stress and statelessness - all continuing to negatively affect the population. The European delegation said that the European Parliament stands shoulder to shoulder with the CRPH, NUCC and NUG in their efforts to restore democracy in Myanmar. Taking the family members of PDF members as hostages. Due to indiscriminate shooting into the village, two women were injured and a cow was killed. It said the actual number of school occupations across the country is likely to be much higher. Thailand + 1 more. On 3 August 2022, the opening ceremony of NUG Representative Office in Australia was conducted. The APHR Chairperson and Member of Parliament from Malaysia said that these executions would further contribute to preventing the already remote possibility of a sustainable political dialogue, as prescribed over one year ago in the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus. Myanmar Now News reported on 5 August 2022 that a Japanese documentary film maker named Toru Kubota, who has been detained last week, was sent to Insein Prison. fontana beach lake geneva. Khit Thit Media reported that on 12 June 2022, the military forces torched the whole village of Lin Sar Kyak in Salingyi Township of Sagaing Region. In Kyein Chaung Village, the junta troops have stationed themselves near the compound of a local mosque for more than two weeks, and that made the locals afraid to visit the mosque. Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) reported that using three military jets, the military forces conducted airstrike attacks in the villages within Minkin Township of Sagaing Region on 6 August 2022. The modules consist of a live, instructor-led component and an on- demand online component. best mini dachshund breeders. Actions and Remarks by the International Community in response to the Military Coup dtat, On 7 June 2022, the UN human rights experts Mr. Thomas Andrews, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar; Ms. Irene Khan, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression; and Dr. Ana Brian Nougrres, Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy; and Mr. Clment Nyaletsossi Voule, Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, condemned the attempts of the Myanmar military to establish a digital dictatorship in the country by imposing further restrictions on the access to internet, internet shutdowns, online censorship, surveillance and other barriers to internet access. how long does car touch up paint take to dry. According to the reports, after running into the teens with the Toyota Mark II, the soldiers beat them with the butts of their rifles. Killing villagers who were taken as human shields. It was further explained that France reiterates its call for the release of all arbitrarily detained people, the cessation of violence perpetrated by the military junta and the establishment of an inclusive dialogue involving all stakeholders. On 31 May 2022, a military column of around 200 soldiers fired five artillery shells at an IDP camp in Nat Myaung Village, Kalay Township and seriously injured seven people, including one child. The press release informed that the nine-module interactive course, which will be delivered in Myanmar and English language, is set to go live at the ILOs digital learning platform on 12 June 2022, the World Day Against Child Labour. In areas affected by conflict, entire communities, including children, are being displaced, increasing the risks for girls and boys to be killed, injured, trafficked, recruited and used in armed conflict. When the military forces came to arrest those people, two men ran away by motorbikes. With regards to the Burmese military regimes reported plans to execute pro-democracy and opposition leaders, U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Ned Price remarked that the United States strongly condemns the Burmese military regimes reported plans to execute pro-democracy and opposition leaders, exemplifying the regime's disregard for human rights and the rule of law. On 29 May 2022, when the junta forces, stationed in Kha Lae-Tagon Daing Area Police Station, Kyainseikgyi Township, Kayin State, opened fire on Nan Thaing Htun Village using heavy artillery, they killed a woman named Zin Oo in her house, and her 7-year old daughter was wounded in the cheek. The Webinar was also joined by former US Ambassador to Myanmar H.E. It was also explained that the funding situation for 2022 is now dire with the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) only 10 per cent funded, five months into the year, leaving a gap of US$740m (FTS). It was reported that his family buried his body in the evening of 6 June 2022. Over a year ago, a coup took over the civilian government of Myanmar. 31 Jul 2022. The United Nations expects an impartial investigation into the incident and the perpetrators to be held accountable. Furthermore, he added that the UN continues to stay and deliver essential humanitarian and development support for the people of Myanmar during these difficult times. UNICEF Myanmar Humanitarian Situation Report No. Those soldiers reportedly burned down at least 50 houses and three monastery vehicles and looted many houses after taking control of the village. Official website of thePermanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations. Conducting airstrike attacks in villages of Minkin Township in an indiscriminate manner. On 8 June 2022, the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government of Myanmar H.E. Gandapur terms audio leak fake, demands investigation. There was a demand for a re-run of the election, but the election commission found no evidence of fraud. In the North-West, armed clashes continued in Chin, Magway, and Sagaing and indiscriminate attacks against civilians resulting in deaths and casualties were reported, as well as burnings of homes and villages, house searches, arbitrary arrests, and detentions. There are also concerns that with a possible resumption of the conflict, specific communities could be targeted for their perceived or imputed association with different parties to the conflict. The absence of a substantial rebound in growth - with GDP in 2022 estimated to still be around 13 percent lower than in 2019 - means that livelihoods and coping mechanisms will continue to be severely . Internally displaced families in Paletwa, Chin State, are in urgent need of assistance although efforts are ongoing to ascertain displacement in all areas affected by conflict. According to the 30 May 2022 Weekly Highlights of the UNHCR on displacement in the South-East, the total number of IDPs decreased from 258,300 last week to 256,000 this week in the South-East, although it was explained that due to the sporadic armed clashes and general insecurity, verification on the number of individuals affected by new displacement had not been able to take place. It is reported that the militarys airstrike attacks targeted and frequently fired heavy artillery in the villages of Thintaw, Nyaung Pin Thar and LaungPyae. It was informed in the update that humanitarian organizations continue providing critical life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable people despite access challenges and limited funding. In a press availability held on 5 August 2022 in Cambodia, the U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken remarked that the Myanmar militarys execution of four democracy activists despite pleas from many including the ASEAN chair and the ASEAN special envoy has alarmed and horrified people across the region and around the world. The updates highlights and key messages mentioned that for the first time the number of displaced men, women and children in Myanmar has exceeded one million. It has been in 17 months since the Myanmar military attempted an illegal coup, toppled the civilian government, and unlawfully detained State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, President U Win Myint and other senior members of the civilian government, parliamentarians and activists. The other two men sentenced to hang, Hla Myo Aung and Aung Thura Zaw, were convicted in April 2021 for alleged crimes. It was also mentioned that a very small number of individuals were also recorded to have left Shan State (South) to their places of origin. Advertisement. Early on the morning of Myanmar's February 2021 coup, Mya Aye, a prominent Muslim activist, was one of the first arrested by the new junta regime. According to the Highlights of the Myanmar Emergency Update by UNHCR on 1 June 2022, armed clashes across Myanmar continued to trigger displacement and affect civilians. The military column that carried out the attack on the camp in Nat Myaung later moved to Nat Chaung, about three kilometers away, where it was stationed at a local monastery and high school. Amid claims that the general election was a fraud, the military seized the country on February 1, 2021. See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories. 21 septembre 2022. After two days of arbitrary arrest, his family was informed of his passing. Drug trade, robberies, thefts and burglaries are also reportedly on the rise in urban areas. The 2022 response plan, which seeks over $881 . Unable to find them, the junta soldiers took their father and Tin Tun Aungs wife as hostages. On 31 May 2022, the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government issued an announcement regarding the bomb blast in a crowded area of Yangon on that day. The Permanent Representative added that the international community must not let the militarys atrocities continue, and Myanmar needs unified and decisive action from the international community immediately. Despite the foregoing, landlords are still not required to offer lease renewals to free-market tenants in New York City. On 31 May 2022, the United Nations OCHA released Humanitarian Update No. 2022 gmc yukon seat covers. Myanmar situation reports Humanitarian Action for Children Situation reports are the main reporting tool to monitor UNICEF's humanitarian response. At the United Nations daily press briefing on 2 August 2022, the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General Stphane Dujarric said that with regard to the extension of the State of Emergency in Myanmar by the military on 31 July 2022, the Secretary-General reiterated his grave concern regarding the transfer of all legislative, executive and judicial powers to the military since 1 February, and repeats his call yet again for an immediate end to violence and repression, for the full respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms and for the will of the people, and the immediate release of all arbitrarily detained prisoners in Myanmar. (8-10-2022) PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAVELERS ENTERING MYANMAR THROUGH INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL FLIGHTS (1-8-2022) On 1 June 2022, Save the Children published a press release titled Myanmar: Number of children out of school more than doubles in two years. 24-February 2021 sees continuing anti-coup protests. During the Webinar, Ambassaor Kyaw Moe Tun, remarked that the world has seen the worst brutality and inhumanity of Myanmar military constantly and the international community cannot continue ignoring Myanmar people desperate call for help. Improperly charging and sentencing civilians. A total 17,998 deaths were recorded by the Ministry of Health . The Myanmar Civil War (Burmese: - ), also called the Myanmar Spring Revolution, is an ongoing civil war following Myanmar's long-running insurgencies which escalated significantly in response to the 2021 military coup d'etat and the subsequent violent crackdown on anti-coup protests. The two IDPs were a mother and a son who were running away from Mingin to Kale Town. All countries have been affected by Myanmar's current entry restrictions. Regarding the question Does the Secretary-General have any comment on a court in Myanmar ruling that a case for election fraud can go ahead against Aung San Suu Kyi about the election that her party won in November 2020? After torching the village, the military forces left and moved to another village, but the villagers are scared to return to the village. According to the reports, the body was left outside of the hospital, and he has been reported dead in custody on the same day when he was arrested. Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). It is now estimated that14 out of 15 states and regions are within the critical threshold for acute malnutrition. Raiding, torching, looting and killings in Sagaing Region. According to local reports, internally displaced persons (IDPs) staying at those camps were forced to flee when the shelling began at around 8 PM without any clash happening in the area. After decades of isolation, Myanmar started to undertake major reforms toward a democratic system and market-based economy. The coup d'etat sparked protests around the country, as people took to the streets to voice their support for democracy. At the Joint Communiqu of the 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting (AMM) held on 3 August 2022 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the Foreign Ministers extensively discussed the recent developments in Myanmar, expressing their concerns over the prolonged political crisis in the country, including the execution of four democracy activists, as well as their deep disappointment on the limited progress in and lack of commitment of the Myanmar militarys authorities to the timely and complete implementation of the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus. Price hikes, COVID-19 movement restrictions and ongoing insecurity have forced the most vulnerable people to emergency strategies to buy food and other basic supplies. View original. He said that this is a blatant violation to the right to life, liberty and security of person, as per Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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