The development of programs and policies aimed at promoting their leisure and rest. Specialized education for persons with intellectual disabilities and promoting their capabilities by the establishment of specific education centers and teaching programs. The State shall promote intercultural dialogue in all of its many dimensions. XIII.3.2 After having recalled that the proposal was the outcome of discussions between the Delegations of the United States and Greece, the United States Representative particuarly insisted on the distinction to be made between the indicative lists (prepared and presented by the States Parties from a strictly national viewpoint) and the global study system (which must include the lists prepared by the experts, on a multidisciplinary basis and in line with given universal considerations). The State shall foster their incorporation into the labor force in fair and decent conditions, with emphasis on training, guarantee of access to first employment, and promotion of their entrepreneurial skills. EIGHT. To respect and recognize ethnic, national, social, generational, and gender differences and sexual orientation and identity. The creation of tariffs and the setting of their levels shall come under the exclusive competence of the Executive Branch. Municipal governments shall have the following exclusive jurisdictions, without detriment to others as established by law: 1. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Language contact, multilingualism and minorities in the Romance-speaking World, Explore language contact in multilingual and language minority settings, Multicultural and multilingual mediation: Second or/and foreign language acquisition on the example of the German language, Learn more about multicultural and multilingual communication and education, Technical Innovations: Applications to Immuno-Oncology, Focus on scientific and technological platforms, at the center of the advance in tumor immunology and immunotherapy research, Learn state of the art techniques for studying the structure and function of biological molecules, Refugees, Migrants, and Exiles in German and Comparative Literature, Explore how refugees, migrants and exiles have been represented today and in the past, Experimental Models in Molecular Biomedicine (EMMB), Join real scientists from different CIVIS Universities who will help you to learn how to design experiments to address real research questions by using their favorite experimental model, Refugee legacies in museum and heritage sites, Learn about refugee legacies and how they impacted individuals and communities, their stories and material culture as well as their collection and representation in museum and heritage sites. It promotes the establishment of a multipolar global order with the active participation of regional economic and political blocs and the strengthening of horizontal ties to build a fair, democratic, jointly supportive, diverse and intercultural world. The Solidarity Fund, within three hundred sixty (360) days, prior to its liquidation, shall transform into state enterprises all those private-sector enterprises in which it is a shareholder. The State shall promote bodies enabling the citizenry to oversee and audit public borrowing. The metropolitan mayor shall be the highest administrative authority thereof and shall chair the council with the tie-breaking vote. While the functional mix is crucial to any approach to walkability, it is important to note here that function is itself but one dimension of the urban mix, including the formal and social mix. To regulate, promote and implement actions conducive to boosting the countrys strategic insertion in the global economy. 3. The law shall regulate the teacher career stream and salary and promotion scale; it shall set up a national performance evaluation system and a salary policies at all levels. Procedural bad faith, wrongful or hasty litigation, the generation of obstacles or procedural delays shall be punishable by law. Several members of the Committee mentioned the activities undertaken in their respective countries, such as the production of stamps or pamphlets on world heritage sites in Yugoslavia and India, or the publication and sale at news-stands of a series of booklets on world heritage sites in Brazil, or the printing and the distribution of the folding poster on the World Heritage Convention in China. 24. The jurisdiction taken up by decentralized autonomous governments shall be transferred with the respective resources. If these time-limits are surpassed, the warrant for pre-trial arrest and detention shall be null and void. Strategic sectors, which come under the decision making and exclusive control of the State, are those that, due to their importance and size, exert a decisive economic, social, political or environmental impact and must be aimed at ensuring the full exercise of rights and the general welfare of society. Public policies and the provision of public goods and services shall be aimed at enforcing the good way of living and all rights and shall be drawn up on the basis of the principle of solidarity. Requests the Chairperson of the 27th session of the World Heritage Committee to approve the final text of the revised Operational Guidelines on its behalf; 4. IUCN urged that the Canterbury meeting be encouraged to work towards a draft which accommodates the integration of the criteria and endeavour to include both the conditions of integrity and the test of authenticity. These institutions shall be subject to State monitoring and regulation. Military quarters, police stations or other type of barracks are not authorized as places for imprisonment of the civilian population. The national financial system is comprised of the public and private sectors, and the grassroots solidarity economic sectors, which act as brokers for the resources of the public. Provided that the Chairperson, in consultation with the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Body, is satisfied that the letter deals only with factual errors and contains no advocacy, t T he letter s shall be distributed in the working languages to the members of the Committee and may be read out by the Chairperson the presentation of the evaluation made available as an annex to the documents for the relevant agenda item, and no later than the first day of the Committee session. To uphold economic buoyancy, understood as the maximum sustainable level of production and employment over time. Hold a university degree in law, legally recognized in the country and in the academic sectors related to the Councils inherent duties and legally accredited. As requested by the Committee, the Secretariat drew up a draft criterion for cultural landscapes and presented it to the fifteenth session of the Bureau. In this regard, IUCN has offered to assist ICOMOS in landscape evaluations; (d) it is essential to ensure that cultural landscapes nominated for the World Heritage List meet the highest standards of universal significance and integrity that characterize sites inscribed previously under natural and cultural criteria; (e) the States Parties should be informed of the new criteria and be asked to submit Tentative Lists of cultural landscapes in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Operational Guidelines; (f) the Centre is requested to convene a group of experts on the tentative lists and related issues (illustrations, examples and specific revisions requested by these criteria), and report back to the seventeenth session of the Bureau. For the adoption of a matter proposed for referendum, plebiscite or recall, an absolute majority of valid votes shall be required, except for a referendum to recall the President of the Republic, in which case the absolute majority of voters is required. 7. In accordance with this decision, the Committee accepted two requests for technical cooperation submitted by Haiti for the production of an audio-visual presentation, and by the People's Republic of China for a contribution to a film on Wordl Heritage, respectively for $6,000 and $10,000. Every person has the right to free access to justice and the effective, impartial and expeditious protection of their rights and interests, subject to the principles of immediate and swift enforcement; in no case shall there be lack of proper defense. Citizens, individually and collectively, shall participate as leading players in decision making, planning and management of public affairs and in the peoples monitoring of State institutions and society and their representatives in an ongoing process of building citizen power. [1] Moreover, measures of density can differ dramatically for different morphologies and building typologies. 6. 3. Article 3. 2. 3. d e ) When reviewing the nomination the Committee will also consider: i) inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger; ii) i) allocation of International Assistance to complete the nomination; and. Article 298. 4. Regardless of their public or private character, equality of opportunities with respect to access, permanence, passing and graduation shall be guaranteed, except for the charging of tuition in private education. Policies and programmes related to the presentation and promotion of the property, a. Ownershipb. Their basic aim shall be to safeguard deposits and meet financing needs to achieve the countrys development objectives. Having practiced with notable rectitude and propriety the profession of attorney or university instructor in law or in subjects related to the Councils inherent duties, for a period of at least ten years. 11. Discounts for public services and for private transportation services and entertainment. TWENTY-ONE. In the event of a conviction with life sentence, as long as no other alternative measures are applied, they shall fulfill their sentence in centers that are adequate for this purpose and, in the case of pre-trial arrest, they shall be subject to house arrest. The central State and decentralized autonomous governments shall adopt integral and participatory policies for urban development and land use planning that make it possible to regulate urban growth, manage urban fauna, and promote the establishment of green areas. This territory includes the mainland and maritime space, adjacent islands, the territorial sea, the archipelago of the Galpagos Islands, the land, the undersea continental shelf, the ground under the land and the space over our mainland, island, and maritime territory. The standards and acts of public power must be upheld in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution; otherwise, they shall not be legally binding. In each province, two Assembly persons shall be elected, plus one Assembly person for every two hundred thousand (200,000) inhabitants or fraction over fifty thousand (50,000); fifteen (15) national Assembly persons; and six (6) for Ecuadorians residing abroad, on the basis of the following breakdown: two for Europe, the Pacific Rim and Asia; two for Canada and the United States; and two for Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. There shall be fair pay, with decent wages meeting the minimum basic needs of the worker, and those of his/her family. 16. Article 315. Taxes may be levied, amended, exempted or eliminated only at the initiative of the Executive Branch and through legislation passed by the National Assembly. These norms shall also be applicable to those who participate in these offenses even when they do not have the above-mentioned qualities. The Observer of France underlined the confusion that the draft decision II.3 might encourage. The World Heritage Committee, the main body in charge of the implementation of the Convention, has developed precise criteria for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List and for the provision of international assistance under the World Heritage Fund. Utmost care is needed with the width of boundary lines on maps, as thick boundary lines may make the actual boundary of the property ambiguous. ELEVEN. The commercial fishery represents the second largest by volume in the United States and the third largest by landings revenue. The power to administer justice comes from the people and is exercised by the bodies of the Judicial Branch of Government and by the other bodies and functions provided for by the Constitution. It condemns the interference of States in the domestic affairs of other States and any kind of intervention, whether armed raids, aggression, occupation or economic or military blockade. Decentralized autonomous governments, on the basis of a decision taken by three fourths of their members, can request that a referendum be convened on issues of interest for their jurisdiction. With regard to land use development and planning, the Governing Council shall issue policies in coordination with the municipalities and parish boards, which shall carry them out. Article 1. XIV.2 The Committee decided that the following proposals, that had not been examined by the Work Group, should be brought forward to the nineteenth session of the Bureau in July 1995: 'deadline for presentation of requests for technical assistance', 'establishment of the World Heritage List' (role of the advisory bodies) and 'international assistance' (rules for approval of requests for preparatory, technical and training assistance). Responders from the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, Massachusetts, attempt to disentangle a North Atlantic right whale. 6. Non-motorized overland transportation shall be promoted and facilitated, especially with establishment of bike lanes. The State shall allocate the resources needed for scientific research, technological development, innovation, scientific training, restoration and development of ancestral wisdom, and the dissemination of knowledge. Architectural barriers shall be eliminated. Slowing Down to Save North Atlantic Right Whales. 3. Insurance shall provide health benefits and protection against contingencies of invalidity, disability, old age and death. Article 283. 12. 7. The State shall not make commitments to cooperation agreements or accords that include clauses that undermine the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity, human health, collective rights and rights of nature. XIV.2 After discussion, the Committee adopted the Operational Guidelines as amended by the Bureau with the following additional changes: Paragraph 14, the following sentence should be added at the end of the paragraph: "Participation of local people in the nomination process is essential to establish, as much as possible, the shared responsibilities between them and the State Party regarding site maintenance, but should not prejudice future decision-making by the Committee". [32] A type of zoning called Form-based coding is a tool that some American cities, like Cincinnati, are employing to improve walkability. 6. The State shall guarantee human safety by means of integrated policies and actions to ensure the peaceful coexistence of persons, to promote a culture of peace and to prevent forms of violence and discrimination and the perpetration of offenses and crimes. Other political organizations are also entitled to submit candidacies, for which purpose they must show support based on a list of signatures accounting for one percent (1%) of the citizens on the corresponding voter registration list. Only nominations of properties included in the State Party's Tentative List will be examined by the Committee (see paragraph s 63 and 65 ). The State shall guarantee the right to work. Specialized healthcare free of charge, as well as free access to medicines. The following persons are Ecuadorians by birth: Secretary of the Constituent Assembly, Edmund Participatory planning for development. The National Electoral Council shall be comprised of five standing council persons, who shall hold a six-year term of office. Several members of the Committee made some suggestions for amendments and clarifications. (Transition process) Once the Constitution has been adopted and for the purpose of facilitating the institutional changes it envisages, the transition process provided for in the regulations indicated below shall be implemented. The canal may be a monumental work, the defining feature of a linear cultural landscape, or an integral component of a complex cultural landscape'. 13. Remuneration of public servants shall be fair and equitable, in line with their respective duties, and shall take into account their professional development, training, responsibility, and experience. The right to work is underpinned by the following principles: Said delegation shall be subject to the national interest and shall respect the time-limits and boundaries set by the law for each strategic sector. Taking into account the inscription of the propertyRio de Janeiro: Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea (Brazil) on the World Heritage List at the present session, welcomes the offer from the State Party of Brazil to host the aforementioned meeting in Rio de Janeiro, with the support of the UNESCO Category 2 Regional Heritage Management Training Centre Lucio Costa. Special proceedings for protection. When there is severe evidence of cover-ups or use of fronts, the Office of the Comptroller General will be able to request similar statements from third parties linked to the person holding or having held public office. To exercise and promote surveillance of due process of law and to immediately prevent and stop all forms of cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. The urban DMA (Density, Mix, Access) is a set of synergies between the ways cities concentrate people and buildings, how they mix different people and activities, and the access networks used to navigate through them. Article 80. g) In court procedures, to be helped by an attorney of the persons choice or by a court appointed defense attorney; access to or free and confidential communication with the persons defense attorney cannot be restricted. The National Assembly shall be installed in Quito, without the need to issue a call to meeting, on the fourteenth of May of the year of its election. Support of an attorney to file the action shall not be indispensable. Advanced technological, vocational and teaching institutes and conservatories shall be created by resolution issued by the body in charge of planning, regulating and coordinating the system, after a prior favorable report of the systems quality assurance institution and the national planning body. The specific powers of the Superintendencies and the areas that require monitoring, auditing, and surveillance of each one of them shall be determined in accordance with the law. In the event of the definitive absence of the President of the Republic, the person holding the office of Vice-President shall replace the President for time remaining to complete the corresponding presidential term of office. Public and private insurance, without exception, shall contribute to funding the rural worker social security through the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute. nominations of properties for natural heritage. Surplus revenues not invested or reinvested shall be transferred to the General State Budget. To enforce the right to housing, habitat and environmental conservation, the municipalities will be able to expropriate, reserve, and control areas for future development in accordance with the law. (Constitutional Court) Once the new Legislative, Executive and Transparency and Social Control Branches of Government have been established, the qualification commission shall be organized to designate the judges that shall comprise the first Constitutional Court. Article 251. 2. NOAA Seeks Input on Draft Ropeless Roadmap and Proposes New Vessel Speed Regulations to Protect North Atlantic Right Whales, North Atlantic right whale #4180 and new calf. 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