no longer supports Internet Explorer. The GMM describes 6 levels of globalization: Where do you think your company currently falls in these levels? As the results from the graph on urbanization effects are suggesting it, rural dwellers listen more to traditional music than urban dwellers. Another US company that has grown globally, Domino's pizza is famous across much of the world with stores. Coca-Cola has a well-documented and well-researched global strategy. Results: This graph gives an overview of the listening distribution in function of internet access. 1. Possibly the most famous global brand in the world. Efficiently, reliably, and at scale. traditional music. Mainstream or marginal? 172. Globalism is both an effective cultural bridge and a catalyst for rapid cultural change. From Remapping Sound Studies, Steingo, Gavin and Jim Sykes, eds. 638-688). Campbell, P. S., & Higgins, L. (2015). for at least one source related to the example that you describe above. 1: "The Music-Culture as a World of Music," 1-15. This success can be attributed to their ability to speak, sing and read . 4.A complete citation (author, title, date, etc.) Music and Globalization: Critical Encounters. Example 5 - Food Industry Globalization. But those who decide to take on international expansion find several benefits, including: 1. New York: Oxford University Press. At Rubric, we are proud to have been working with AccuWeather for many years, helping them to localize their service into many different languages. These resources afford their participation in the metal scene. During the last two decades Sweden has become . Example 6 - Technological Globalization. Paula Abreu, Kim Ramstedt, Julie Badisco, Koos Zwaan, Lotte Van Der Jagt, Chlo Monin, Samuel GE Murray, Kenny Barr, Pauwke Berkers, Darrell G Baksh, Raphal Nowak, Anna Oravcova, Ayhan Erol, Sara Revilla Gtiez, Andr Rottgeri, Popular Music, Technology, and the Changing Media Ecosystem: From Cassettes to Stream, Paula Guerra, Keep it simple, make it fast! This works in the opposite direction: those who do not have internet access are potentially more prone to listen to music accessible in local areas, i.e. This group listens the least to traditional music. 1-58. ), Where do you live? However, the reverse trend is not observable with international music, since the oldest group (60+ yrs old) listens to international music, on average, just as much as the youngest group (1530 yrs old). Within national and continental music, the results are all slightly above sometimes. However, there is a flip where national music is more listened to by rural than by urban dwellers, followed by an increase in listening to continental music by urban than rural dwellers. Globalization tends to generate far too heated debates and it's a shame because we're talking about one of the most important topics related to the future of. The essays in this collection seek to explore the role of music, networks of music distribution, music markets, music consumption, music production, and music scholarship in the articulation of postnational sites of identification.". Gender was well-balanced, with 16 participants identifying as female and 15 as male. What does globalization look like when a company does it well? Globalization is the process of cross-border exchange and free flow of resources between different countries of the world. Get smarter at building your thing. According to, "Globalization emphasises difference, promotes pluralism, and increases diversity through the accelerating circulation of a multiplicity of cultural practices. Such explanations are numerous and speculative; what remains clear is that males report listening more to music than females, and that males listen more to foreign music than local music. What has Coca-Cola done to generate such a wide global interest? Organising tours all around the world and connecting with other bands and artists has never been this easy and, this all allows musicians a chance to make a living from their career. Based on interviews with key figures in the scene, ethnographic observation and textual analysis, the article proposes that urban youths frustration with the poor state of conditions in the country is channelled into a passion to build an alternative space. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Introduction Since 1990s, Korean Popular Culture has had a strong influence in Asian countries, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Singapore. For musicians, continental music was listened to the lowest and national music was the highest, followed by traditional music and international music. * Has 3 years teaching experience To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. First, we have to frame our question in a way that will not introduce ethnographic biasing from our western culture. Especially when there are customs that have been adapted to the specifications of others, when redefining itself, whether it be artistic expressions, music, fashion, gastronomy, etc. Trade The exchange of goods and services between nations. Discussion: These results suggest a strong difference between the listening frequency of rural and urban dwellers for traditional music and international music. If we take Youssou Ndours singsong text at face value, the answer would be not very much, since we have known for some time that everybody has a culture. In this chapter I show that the promotion and consumption of world music is a series of essential- izing practices that actually hide behind a rhetoric of non-essentialism. It involves the worldwide integration of technology, ideas, knowledge, capital, human resource and culture. The worldwide presence of McDonald's restaurants is an example of globalization. Exploring features of a location and its people has the potential to provide insight into aspects which affect a locations rate, type, and source of cultural change. !e second part of my analysis focuses on the relationship between world music and the ex- pression of a cosmopolitan lifestyle that seeks to increase the social status of the Self by consuming the music of the Other. However, it has accelerated in recent centuries due to technologies such as the telegraph, steamship, radio, motion picture, telephone, airplane, television, jet aircraft and computer network. In turn, music affected these elements of globalization in significant and . Palina Supeyeva G324 Evaluation Question 4 We also believe that it is important to consider the degree to which local communities participate in local changes, and what methods are most effective in the perpetuation and conservation of local practices. The greatest amount of listening attention was dedicated to international music- the one with the highest listening average- while traditional music is the least listened-to. Through globalization, social, cultural, and economic exchange becomes more profound and . The two youngest groups report listening to traditional music the least and international music the most. Second, the phenomenological foundation of grounded theory invites alternative perspectives to these when asking what the agents try to accomplish or do achieve, rather than how they are represented. Time and access were among our biggest concerns. MUSICULT' 15: Music and Cultural Studies Conference (Proceedings), Pamela Costes-Onishi, Pamela Costes-onishi, In Georgina Born and David Hesmondhalgh (ads)., Western Music and its Others: Difference, Representation, and Appropriation in Music, pp. The age categories were grouped off into 15-year intervals; the first, left-most group features ages 1530, the second: 3045; third: 4660, and the fourth, left-most group: 60+. Moreover, as males often work more than females (in our sample size), they tend to move more and also have more income; higher financial mobility affords increased interaction and exposure to foreign music, more music in general, and/or with financial freedom to choose the type of music. Second, another ethical dimension to our project that we have identified is the possible feeling of intrusion or invasion of privacy that our interviewees could feel when we ask our questions. Words. Despite the complex and dynamic nature of the processes of globalization, much of what is said about it has become rather predictable; for example, global- ization is the expansion of commercial networks, the blurring of cultural and na- tional boundaries, and the compression of space and time. Example 4 - Automotive Industry Globalization. * Likes dune surfing. In this specific case the most common language in the world music. Stay up to date with our latest activity relating to Global Content. In order to address this concern, we are planning on disclaiming to all the participants of our study that they do not have to answer questions if they do not feel comfortable. The Globalization of Music: Origins, Development, & Consequences, c1500-1815. , v.1, p.1 - 5, 2013. We greatly thank the team of AFSS, our translators, and our research participants for such a rich and illuminating field experience. What is globalization? According to Rupa (2005) globalized music is a system which chains both economy and society. Globalization of Korean Popular Culture in Asia 1. A study of the musical practices of three African immigrant performers in Norway. Traditional music, however, features an even listening distribution across various environments, where no type of listener appears to devote more time than another. Probably, it will be, first of all, music. Surveying the prominence of musical styles (on a spectrum from locally-oriented to internationally-influenced) in an area has the potential to reflect its cultural change. Radio? (CNN) -- Globalization and technology are forcing artists, curators and museum directors to rethink the world of American art. Ive always been interested in the idea of globalization and how the whole world is connected. One of the main causes for the affects that music has had globally is the open-mindedness of the people that have accepted it. While participants assert the distinction of their music from mainstream rock and pop, one of the main findings is that they are not much concerned about the idea of selling out to the corporate music industry if they become popular. The goal of this research is to document the effects of globalization through the investigation of music. It implicates religion and religions in several ways. For example, contemporary Afro-pop sometimes combines the 'electric guitars of Western rock and roll with melodies and rhythms of traditional African music', whilst Western rock drummers have long adopted 'a tradition from Africa whereby the sounds of different drums are combined' (Croteau and Hoynes 2000, p. 333). Globalization refers to the historical process by which all the world's people increasingly come to live in a single social unit. In S. Pettan (Ed. The 1-on-1, interviews were conducted as mostly-structured discussions, generally with the help of a translator. Below are few examples which highlight the actual examples of Glocalization used by various companies in different geographies. The goal of the project is to investigate trends in demographics between individuals and their listening habits. TV? 169 pp, Introduction: On Difference, Representation and Appropriation in Music (2000), Traditional Music as "Intangible Cultural Heritage" in the Postmodern World, Acoustic Multinaturalism, the Value of Nature, and the Nature of Music in Ecomusicology, Clayton et al The Cultural Study of Music 2003, 2010 Soundscapes: Toward a Sounded Anthropology in Annual Review of Anthropology, Introduction (Musical Performance and the Changing City 2013), Consumption Markets & Culture Revelations of cultural consumer lovemaps in Jamaican dancehall lyrics: An ethnomusicological ethnography, 'Jazz' at Large: 'Scapes' and the Imagination in the Performances of Moses Molelekwa and Nah Youn-Sun, The Cultural Study of Music - A Critical Introduction (Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert, Richard Middleton), Axis Mundi, An Intercultural Composition For The Atlas Ensemble, Historically Black Fiddle Music: Exploring Race and Identity in Claflin Universitys Black String Band Tradition", Transnational Habitus: Mariem Hassan as the transcultural representation of the relationship between Saharaui music and Nubenegra records, Orkestra Rumpilezz: Musical Constructions of Afro-Bahian Identities, Whose Book is it Anyway? In this article, I look at both positive as well as negative effects of globalization on the lives of musicians, as well as in the use of folk arts. This has led to more focus on seafood and fish in Asia, curry toppings in India, and reduced dairy in China. Changes in local culture are often measured in terms of the flow of capital, population, migration, and real estate development. It is quite rare to hear traditional music on the radio. (from the local community). Drawing upon critical race theory, ethnomusicology, popular music studies, and the work of Slavoj Zizek particularly his theory of enjoyment as a political factorthis study will outline how the capitalistic ideal of instant gratification is invested in post-racial outlooks. The interviews were conducted mostly in rural areas because of the constraints put by the AFSS itinerary and thus, this might give representative results especially when we want to analyze the effect of urbanization on the listening distribution. We found that the most important variables were urbanization level, technology and age. Religion is also left out of the final analysis, as 30 out of the 31 interviewees identified as christian. With continued dispute over the true intent and therefore definition of globalization, I will be required to explore the ways in which the globalization arguably has traits of both promise and defect, including the allowance of contemporary popular music to bloom in diversity and accessibility throughout the developed nations of the world, as well as bringing with it inequality by imposing a capitalistic-based ethos of cultural imperialism on the adjacent, undeveloped nations. Average listening among no-internet listeners falls at or below sometimes, and is lower for those with access internet users average closer to often. Those without internet access listen to continental music the least- this is the graphs minimum. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2014. The interviews were conducted across 3 months, 3 countries, 1 country per month. A lack of variation quite evidently prevents us from evaluating the influence of religion on the type of music people listen to. The book is meant to be supplemented by the Critical World website, where multimedia examples accompany the text, albeit in a loose and uncurated fashion . This study offers a cross-national multilayered analysis of music flows between 1960 and 2010. -Music and cultural boundary crossings. "The World Bank defines globalization as the growing integration of economies and societies around the world" (, 2006) For me the impact of globalization when it comes to food fashion, film music and dance is when like minded groups come together from all different political dynamics that create virtual communities across the world. Glocalization is a term used in business and economics to describe the process of tailoring an international product or service to better fit the wants or needs of a local community. Canadian music artist account for just 4% of Canadian music sales, and the vast majority of the remaining 96 % is American popular music (Global Recording Industry,, 2006). Last Name 1 Name: Professor: Course Code: Date of Submission: Music and Globalization For example, most Africans have cell phones, we can therefore find out if they have access to the internet by asking them if they have data on their phone and also find out if they have access to electricity by asking them how they charge their phone. There are several paths moving forward in this line of research. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Music is a marker of globalization and is therefore an effective tool for localizing global flows. Because of this, it cannot be concluded that international music is responsible for converting younger generations away from traditional music. Examples of glocalization. Get it right and you can see huge international success. The graphs maxima is identifiable in the male tendency to listen to international music the most. The examples of globalization of the world economy showed us how the planetary space is transformed into a single zone where various goods, services, information, capital are absolutely free to move, and ideas together with their carriers are freely distributed, creating motivation for the development of modern institutions, as well as . This suggests that time spent listening to one type of music does not necessarily affect the other. Consistent with much recent work about alternative rock, it is argued that the concept of scene is helpful in this task because it allows a framework through which to understand how multiple elements come together but never fully cohere into a unified subcultural whole that has a straightforward relationship with a cultural locality. In the first part of the chapter I analyze essentialist strategies in the promotion and consumption of this emerging genre of music. However, in the active phase, the processes in question came about at the turn of the 80's and 90's. . Results: In order to determine whether gender is an influential factor in listening distribution, we compared the listening distributions of the types of music people listen to (traditional, continental, national and international) between self-identified females and males. Talking about cultural industries under a historical perspective it is very hard not to deal with the fundamental challenges provided by the pioneering work of Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, who have offered one of the most discussed accounts of popular culture of the 20th century. Abstract and Figures. Our solution to this potential issue is to avoid giving the impression that the interview is an interrogation, which can mean to ask questions indirectly when we judge it is preferable. by I. Medic and K. Tomasevic, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2015). A trend is identifiable in the listening frequency of the urban inhabitants: the more a foreign the music, the attention urban listeners dedicate to it. Musicians report greater time dedicated to traditional, national, and international music over continental music with a preference for national music. Deliver consistent quality global content and never miss a deadline. In contrast, participants with internet access report the graphs maximum, listening often to international music. Fourth, the last ethical dimension that we have identified about our study is that some respondent could interpret our questions on access to electricity or the internet as an evaluation of how underdeveloped they are.

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