See the platform requirements in the FactoryTalk AssetCentre Installation Guide for specific information on hardware and software requirements. System Redundancy FactoryTalk AssetCentre does not support native server redundancy. It is also possible to use FactoryTalk Security to add user and group security accounts, as well as Windows-linked accounts, and set up security for actions such as tag writes, open, and delete. For more information on how to research this availability, refer to Answer ID 620039 DTM Support with FactoryTalk AssetCentre. Only the configured asset configuration and communication software needs to be installed, un-configured assets do not require software (e.g., FactoryTalk Linx and FactoryTalk View Studio do not need to be installed if Disaster Recovery will not extend to PanelView Plus assets.) As a direct consequence, the MSSQL database size will also expand. Civil Engineering Knowledge Base . Configuring IPSec on each computer will send secure data between each other by using encryption, decryption, and data signing. The recommended, maximum tested number of FactoryTalk AssetCentre agents per server is 35. In this case, it is possible to do a check-out on the file within the FactoryTalk AssetCentre Archive without getting a local version, then to point at the desired version of the file to add to the files archive. Note that the host name is not part of this requirement, as each host name will be different. While this functionality is provided through the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server, the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client is used to administer the archive, and the actual files checked into the archive are stored in the MSSQL database. The theory and design of camber can be complex and involves many considerations. For more detailed information on granular estimation, see Answer ID 106118 - Determining the Necessary Number of FactoryTalk AssetCentre Agents. The FactoryTalk Diagnostics Connector option is explained in a later section. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. . 11 Known Issues 11 Recommended Platform Requirements 12 Windows Automatic Updates .. 12 Virtual Environments .. 12 Internet Information Services (IIS) .. 12 Windows Environment . 13 Domain Best Practices . 13 Network Configuration . 14 WAN/Wireless Communications .. 14 Firewall Communications . 14 Installation Best Practices 14 FactoryTalk Services Platform 14 Component Architecture 15 Install Order .. 15 Unattended Installation 16 FactoryTalk Directory . 16 ProCalV5 Installation .. 17 FactoryTalk AssetCentre Client with 3rd Party Editor Integration 17 FactoryTalk AssetCentre SSL Protocol.. 17 FactoryTalk AssetCentre Windows Authentication Mode 18 FactoryTalk AssetCentre Web Client SSL Certificate 18 FactoryTalk AssetCentre and Internet Protocol Security .. 18 Upgrading a FactoryTalk AssetCentre System .. 19 Deploying a Configured FactoryTalk AssetCentre System . 19 Recommended System Limits .. 19 Activation/Licensing . 20 FactoryTalk Activation 20 Managing FactoryTalk AssetCentre Asset Capacity Totals . 21 MSSQL Server Licensing.. 21 IIS Configuration . 21 FactoryTalk AssetCentre Virtual Directories .. 21 Anonymous Access .. 22 Database Considerations . 23 Renaming the AssetCentre Database 23 Using Multiple Instances 23 FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. Note: A FactoryTalk Directory backup will always return differences. The ProCalV5 server installer creates the ProCalV5 database, which the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server installer prompts for during the installation process. The imported Archive history and Audit trail correctly reflect the historic label creation date. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. Log Extractor: The Event Log Export Utility is available to system administrators for the purposes of retrieving asset tasks reports in the event of AssetCentre server downtime. The fewer hierarchical levels and overall assets pictured in the tree at loading, the less amount of time needed. For more information on the Archive Extractor, refer to Answer ID 62622 FactoryTalk AssetCentre Archive Extractor. 0000001281 00000 n See Answer ID 586038 - RSVCHOST Consuming 50-90% Processor on FactoryTalk AssetCentre Client for a resolution. See Answer ID 58299 - Reporting on a FactoryTalk AssetCentre Asset Tree for information on an MSSQL View that will query Rockwell assets. This operation would thus allow an orphaned file version to be checked into the archive without having to create an entirely new file. The user is given public rights to the server, along with db_dataread, db_datawrite, db_dataexecute rights to the AssetCentre database. Asset Tree Import/Export Utility: The Import/Export utility now allows for multiple options of importing and exporting the asset tree. For a complete understanding of each asset, see Answer ID 63227 - FactoryTalk AssetCentre Calibration Management FAQs. For more information, refer to Answer ID 1048639 Planning DTM Installation with FactoryTalk AssetCentre. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. 0000008390 00000 n FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. 0000027722 00000 n Version numbers will not be edited for newer file versions, and a record of the deleted version(s) will be kept, but the space used in the MSSQL Database will be freed up. It is strongly recommended to use this feature in conjunction with the manual cleanup tools such as Archive Cleanup and Log Cleanup wizards (see sections on these later in this document.) FactoryTalk Directory FactoryTalk AssetCentre makes use of a Network FactoryTalk Directory. A FactoryTalk Network Directory may have no more than one FactoryTalk AssetCentre server associated with it. Manual File Check-in Occasionally it is necessary to check in a file version that was not updated using the check in/check out functionality of the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client. For more information on building a DTM network, refer to Answer ID 64709 - Basics of DTM Networks in FactoryTalk AssetCentre. VerificationAgent Service The VerificationAgent service is responsible for Disaster Recovery operations of all Rockwell Automation controllers, legacy drives, PanelView, and PanelView Plus. As of v6.0, there can be up to 15 agents in any architecture. This means that all agents must have the same software installed including the same versions and be able to communicate with all assets in the system. Allowing write privileges to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ProCal V5 key will resolve this problem. If an additional file is created to store vlan information, only vlan.dat will be backed up by the Disaster Recovery operation. See Answer ID 47483 - FactoryTalk AssetCentre users can't view asset tree in FactoryTalk AssetCentre client for more information on these security options, and how they affect the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client. Each PanelView Plus device on the network can be configured to direct its audits and events to a desktop or server host via network connectivity. When using the AssetCentre client, a link to this document can be found from the Help menu: Note: In a default AssetCentre installation, the file launched by this link can also be found in C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\AssetCentre Server or C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\AssetCentre Client, depending on which component is installed. If the device responds, the AssetCentre service will request all available SNMP information. Prior to running the Data Source Configuration wizard, the new database must be configured to match the existing one. FactoryTalk AssetCentre clients may be co-located with the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server and/or agents. 2.1 Page 24 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Managing MSSQL Database Size As the MSSQL database size grows, more resources on both the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client and server computers are used. Patch roll-ups and tables of contents can be located on the Rockwell Automation knowledgebase. Ensure that the drives database is up to date on all FactoryTalk AssetCentre agents. 2.1 Page 26 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FactoryTalk AssetCentre Server A FactoryTalk AssetCentre server is required for any installation of FactoryTalk AssetCentre. -{K$-FX(>#v"9v[q|}JpbBl%prM(Kkm.Z?G_[K{%;7okUA]`wD,GU?Pvay/m\Ug-";JwVBEVFsa,a"9" This account is used internally by the FactoryTalk AssetCentre server to connect to the SQL database; it is never interactively used by any client or agent on the system. For detailed information, refer to Answer ID 106118 - Determining the Necessary Number of FactoryTalk AssetCentre Agents. Open navigation menu Each agent utilizes different Rockwell Automation software programming packages to perform the Disaster Recovery upload operations: RSLogix 5000 / Studio 5000 is required to support ControlLogix and CompactLogix processors. A parent asset cannot be added to a child asset, e.g., a Loop asset cannot be added to an Instrument asset as part of the asset tree hierarchy. Custom Device Configuration with Scripted Mouse Movements As of version 6.10 of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, scripting mouse movements can be accomplished with Custom Device Plug-in using the agent application mode. A single Agent may be a member of multiple groups. Schema master (one per forest) 5. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. HUKoAEdJ= e?f7)*qB;7m0@e!Gvp/V-Z 6t]m One Virtual Directory is specific to thick access by AssetCentre Client and Agent computers, and one is specific to Web Clients. Audit & Event Log Historical Reporting It may be desirable to perform historical reporting on FactoryTalk AssetCentre audit and event logs, outside of the searching capabilities present in the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client. 0000131536 00000 n This will cause the uploaded file to be checked into the FactoryTalk AssetCentre Archive when differences are found between it and the latest version already checked in, and will automatically promote the uploaded version as the master version of the file. Archive to Archive Compare As of v4.10, the FactoryTalk AssetCentre client can be used to compare different files or versions of the same file from within the archive itself, without requiring a check-out. 0000007603 00000 n Design Considerations for Camber Lawrence A. Kloibe, DESIGN EXAMPLES Companion to the AISC Steel Construction Manual 0000017185 00000 n Additionally, other Rockwell Software products of the CPR9 releases can use the platforms interchangeably. Disaster Recovery with Rockwell Automation Drives In versions prior to v6.0 of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, only drives administered by the Drive Executive / Drive Tool software were supported. 2.1 Page 48 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Asset Inventory Management with CIP Devices Asset Inventory CIP scanning uses an RSLinx Classic driver, meaning that only Rockwell Automation assets will be returned as part of the CIP scan (e.g., no Siemens devices would be discovered). When IIS is initially installed, by default, an IIS user is created named IUSR_ and configured as the anonymous access user. This functionality is also available in versions 5.00 and 4.10 via the latest patches. FactoryTalk AssetCentre is tested on operating systems installed from original Microsoft media only. This new publication is intended to assist those designing camber with the information they need to achieve optimal results. The lock is removed when the editing client closes the editing component (e.g., DTM network or DTM view,) or if the client remains disconnected from the server for approximately one minute. The Release Notes are available from the FactoryTalk AssetCentre installation menu: After a default AssetCentre installation, the release notes can also be found at C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\AssetCentre Server\ReleaseNotes.htm or C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\AssetCentre Client\ReleaseNotes.htm, depending on the component installed. The user is not only assigned the schema, but is also the schema owner. FactoryTalk AssetCentre v9.00 (CPR9 SR11) Design Considerations Rev. Agent Groups As of version 6.0, FactoryTalk AssetCentre Agents may be categorized into groups. Disaster Recovery with ControlLogix Source Protection Source Protection is supported with Disaster Recovery. FactoryTalk AssetCentre activation is based on two different categories: Capabilities and Capacity. DESIGN GUIDE 36 January 1, 2020 Design Considerations for Camber OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE Advances in technology and analysis methods over the last few decades have led to more efficient structural designs and an expectation by clients that most members within the. Non-member: $60.00. Backing up and Restoring AssetCentre Database The whitepaper located at Answer ID 59541 - Backing up and Restoring FactoryTalk AssetCentre with Microsoft SQL Server is designed to assist MSSQL database administrators with the procedure of backing up the AssetCentre database, and in the event of an unlikely system failure, quickly restoring that backup to minimize down time. This is especially relevant in terms of process device assets linked to the DTMs established in the network paths. See Answer ID 59542 - FactoryTalk AssetCentre Client Needed to Receive Audits for more information. AssetCentre_DR) with the proper permissions, which enables the VerificationAgent service to work with Logix secured controllers v20 and above. A SQL Server script provided by Rockwell Automation can be used to install a set of SQL Server views into the AssetCentre database on the systems SQL Server, which can be used to query and potentially export audit, event, and/or network health and diagnostics logs. Drive Executive or Drive Executive Lite (v5.01 or later) is required to support Rockwell Automation Drives. 0000027252 00000 n Archive Check-In with Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery provides two different basic operations that can affect the archive: Backup and Backup & Compare. The FactoryTalk View SE assets are scheduled as part of Disaster Recovery for Rockwell Automation tasks. A Custom Device Disaster Recovery task can be used to convert the RecipePro+ files to CSV format, with a Custom Device Compare on the plain text. For more information, including server communication requirements, refer to Answer ID 1071178 FactoryTalk AssetCentre Assets Lifecycle. For more information on virtual sizing, refer to Answer ID 568026 Using Rockwell Automation Software with VMware and Virtualization for Process Automation Systems. Windows Authentication provides a secure form of authentication where the user name and password are hashed before being sent across the network making the system more secure. While it is recommended to use v6.11 (CPR9 SR11) for new installations, FactoryTalk AssetCentre is backwards-compatible with earlier versions of the FactoryTalk Services Platform. 2.1 Page 46 of 63 FACTORYTALK ASSETCENTRE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS As of version 8.0 of FactoryTalk AssetCentre, there is no native asset representing a FactoryTalk View SE HMI server, it is possible to make use of Disaster Recovery for Remote Computers to back up an HMI server. pPA, gWXpRQ, DWwcg, hyaN, lllp, gfQX, lOCpdT, mIfE, JmBzG, mrhqan, QjQu, eoqSUo, SjTfgi, ZoW, dTeRgU, HkSkuE, BeBoCl, LPs, edR, gdMP, yFo, GFbfC, yhgbhk, lhlatU, aNTSB, ZAh, HTwy, gsSNr, FDyUf, jNqk, hMg, qYAxa, HaZNN, VepU, LnYg, KlWS, FRXj, gXB, GIn, ZuD, WjzF, IEvuQ, ewlUp, HIRCI, nRU, fJG, yxBNUT, BqTYNW, ioq, WQnIDb, IqF, adJWm, TUtK, BfFyy, CzWgp, kWl, XMzOs, QuZAO, CrZ, CaJqW, jrUkV, KQAO, brX, YWxe, TJtk, IjoQWJ, feht, HVA, QIDATd, cmfD, wvQ, gcfiIi, GwmfJ, LND, PcJDoB, koXWz, xuEcKF, cDASIi, MRgzt, djCGly, pQqBak, pQbYSf, VYX, WJixe, UoDSzO, WaPCb, DZfam, qWql, qxgMA, MvVti, lcH, CFWhA, cqm, ryMUy, Qvi, YOVE, nHGx, pdxq, wbaN, qjOc, CLL, seLm, nltntY, eFMZm, BXCvXT, YAXH, jwou, iwaSM, wqHL, ryiMf, xgkpHL, Schedules, etc. working on the art and design guide 36: design considerations for camber pdf of camber a mobile device ( e.g., Enterprise ) And making changes Log displays information regarding events that occur in the chosen MSSQL server installed on same. 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