In general, going through lecture slides and understand the concepts are necessary for combating quizzes. It teaches you the fundamental DL skills, and also the basics of state-of-the-art technologies. Things to be aware of: The Facebook projects are both really complicated and interesting. The assignments still need some work - I learned to start slightly later than I would have liked to, just so some other students can iron out the bugs (thanks to all you trailblazers!). If you use this project time wisely, you will know how to train a real world DL model. These concepts are valuable and need to be taught well. The questions really test your solid understanding of the concepts covered. I had taken RL and ML4T. This was the only course till now which I never wished to end. Then they randomly start changing due dates while the assignments are on going. 3) Group project format does not work for DL research work environments in real life. The group project is great in theory; however I feel youre not given enough time to do it justice. Just dont waste your time and money on this course and all other ML tracks. However, be prepared for some pain. It felt like an on campus class unlike other classes I have taken in OMSCS. The assignments were fairly hard, but you learn a lot. It is recommended that students have a strong mathematical background (linear algebra, calculus especially taking partial derivatives, and probabilities & statistics) and at least an introductory course in Machine Learning (e.g. Course itself: Although I am less than halfway through the course, this is already my favorite course in the OMSA program. There are tons of good resources online. It is a discouraging thing. I apologize if I come across as promoting a different course here, but I was so disappointed that an MOOC can offer so much content that is better in quality than a GaTech course. Maybe it would be better to spend that time doing some interesting things instead that we can walk away with. Overall, I think this is a good pedagogical tool. Average was below 80%. If you want to shoot for publication, Id recommend tackling FB ideas as most of the projects are well-organized and straight-forward to do though those arent trivial. I think the class tries to cover too many difficult topics too quickly in the end. . The assignments are useful to build intuition by coding low-level operations manually. -While the quizzes covered a lot of material and really demanded a strong understanding, each one was accompanied by a study guide that included most of the major topics to focus on. Hopefully they can replace this content in subsequent years. They are indeed useful, but not as something in this introduction course. (Definitely not like those dreaded CP reports). Its very practical and hands-on. But if you want to actually learn deep learning, look elsewhere. You need to figure out the math for the backward pass by writing the partial derivate on paper and use chain rule as the gradient flows backward. Also, if they made the assignments a little smaller, they could squeeze another one in. My team so far has been great and the content pretty interesting. Luckily they werent worth too much of your final grade, so it doesnt hurt you too much if you bomb a few of them. Workload is high but the content is amazing and so latest. But by making deep learning course a memorization of all advanced methods is not a good idea, as least for me. Workload: Varies. Due to the hidden nature of the autograder, I spent hours and hours trying to debug insignificant and esoterric elements of the code. RNNs are hard and the most difficult of all Neural network algorithms to understand and get an intuition on. You pick one of the 2 papers and post a short review on it and also answer 2 questions on it. My approach was the following: watch the lectures and take notes on them, notes of the sort that you can load into a flashcard system of some sort (I use and highly recommend Anki). Finally there is a group project. I found it very tone deaf and marginalizing for GT to let FB speak on this sensitive topic. 2] Assignments: The current 4 assignments are building your own NN (including differentiation for gradient descent), building your own CNN then implementing on in PyTorch, visualization of features and style transfer, and building RNN, LSTM, and Transformer solutions for NLP. Of course there are many different networks and optimisers and schedulers, but it seems most of them do not involve complex math equations. The Honorlock support team is available 24/7. I need to remind myself several times a week that the class is almost over, in order to not melt down in the last two months. The third and the fourth ones are quite difficult. Forced to read papers and think about them. Instruction: As mentioned repeatedly below, Prof. Kiras lectures are great and communicate useful, interesting rules of thumb about deep learning. Feels like theres a fire hydrant of material to read and study but one can easily do well without it if you so chose. First of all, my comment is from a beginners view, please ignore if you have good amount of background in DL. Should be a course you take right at the beginning after taking AI so you start your OMSCS journey in ML with a good foundation of what you want to focus on more. I spent about 100 hours only because I enjoyed my problem. Run directly on a VM or inside a container. He was clearly very invested in his students learning outcomes. The grading is all over the place. Reading the paper, writing it up, and commenting on others write-ups definitely increased my understanding of deep learning, but I would say it failed as a discussion per se. The lectures provided by Facebook werent that informative and only provided a really high overview of the topics. They account for about 5% of the grade. The first class was super competitive and the class mean was very high. Best to come into the course feeling confident in Python and data structures. Group format makes it a pain. Sangeet Dandona and Farrukh Rahman are two amazing TAs who actually know and understand the subject they are teaching. Enjoy!! Right, the TAs dont have a clue whats going on with them. Because of the rest of the coursework is graded quite fairly (bordering on generously), this 20% is in practice the differentiator of your letter grade. I put on average of 20 hours per week but the distribution is not even. But wait, theres more! Now I want to continue with some of the areas independently. GitHub - TianxueHu/CS7643_Deep_Learning: CS7643 Deep Learning at Gatech. Prof Kiras lectures are good. Even if you provide links to YouTube videos on this content, I would be okay with that. If you get auto-assigned to a group, you will probably have a bad time. I really wish OMSCS gets rid of all group projects. Got what I wanted from the course. There are four graded discussions where youre given two papers and asked to choose one to review. Armed with those flashcards, I would review them in the week prior to the quiz when out on a walk or at other times when I was waiting in line at the store or something. I really liked the quizzes and felt a sense of accomplishment when I did well on these. Overall a great and long overdue DL course. People of the first two types should try and find a group by the halfway point of the class and start working, because the rest of the course keeps up the pace and those few weeks at the end arent as much time as you may need; there were occasional glimpses of data accessibility issues and group squabbles on Piazza. [Apr, 2020] Paper on unsupervised sub-goal discovery was accepted to IJCAI 2020. They scheduled mostly useless office hours (during work hours too) and their project involvement included maybe 1 or 2 hours talking to someone who didnt really care much about non PhD students. Some parts of some assignments are autograded, but I never had any issues with this. Tl;DR: Go buy a desktop on which youd play Crysis at full settings. Definitely needs a couple weekends on it at least. The last 2 had a few nitpicky questions and while I didnt do as well on those, it didnt really impact my overall grade too negatively. The lectures get worse, the assignments get worse and the quizzes are pointless. I wouldnt recommend waiting for the perfect time, though, as this course is still very good as it stands. Im glad we finally got a rigorous academic course on DL that really tries to delve in to the mathematical nuts and bolts of the algorithms even if it ignores most theoretical aspects which imo is fine given the amount of material to cover. Ill repeat that. Use your own VMs, in the cloud or on-prem, with self-hosted runners. A very good aspect of this class is that the teaching staff have been the most enthusiastic that I have ever witnessed (they offered office hours more than all my other classes combined). Huge shout out to the professor and TAs for being extremely active on Piazza and willing to make adjustments in this first semester as was deemed appropriate (shifting deadlines, updating assignments, correcting quiz errors). Overall, if you are here for ML, you cant skip this course. (The longer semesters should definitely be better in this regard) The project itself was weak - pick some preprocessed dataset, tune some really basic models and write 6 pages on how we changed the world. Youll implement modern techniques, gain a deeper appreciation of NN methods, and leave feeling like you can grok and apply SOTA research. Assignment 2 focuses on CNNs. Instructions for Assignment4 are so ambiguous. 40-50 hours sounds more reasonable. 4] Project: Yes, take this class even though theres a group project. There were also multiple OH with Facebook engineers, which is just a phenomenal opportunity (even if I found them a little wan). I think they got enough feedback that future classes wont have this kind of trouble. And for sequence models, its so bad. Each one is taught by a different researcher from Facebook, but the common thing is that they all suck at teaching or dont care about the quality of their videos. The facebook lectures are very poor quality, I would say future improvements will hopefully remove them from making lectures, instead they will focus on providing guidance and mentorship on projects. CS 7643, originally created at Georgia Tech five years ago, was rebuilt with the support of Facebook for on-campus students in Spring 2020. Life is even harder when DL needs massive computation power before a single empirical test can converge (i.e. The quizzes are definitely the most challenging part of the course grade-wise. There are 4 graded discussion where you have to read a paper they ask. It is not PM work. They completely ignore questions, office hours are terrible, and the only thing they seem to be interested in is policing the project threads (if anything could even remotely be considered a hint, they remove it). Its really frustrating being super confident walking into a quiz and feeling utterly defeated when you walk away. There was no option for individual projects. Just touch on all parts of the rubric in some depth. Theyve also increased the difficulty of the reports this semester and added math questions to them. As I write this review, the project is due tonight, so I dont yet have a grade for it. Most of the assignments focus on Computer Vision applications which was disappointing. At the time of writing, the project is currently in progress. Graded discussions encourage to read some interesting research papers from past couple of years. On the one hand you do review fairly interesting papers, on the other hand, the discussions dont add much and Im pretty sure they just have an automated word counter for whether or not you finish this section. Im also much more confident when reading research papers on the topic. Coding assignments were my favorite, lectures were not very engaging as others stated, especially the meta guest lectures. Professor Kiras lectures are pretty good, but I do feel it helps to watch Andrew NGs lectures to supplement and gain intuition. I would recommend to go through the overviews of the assignments OA as it will give you directions and save you a lot of time understand it. Buy me a coffee 2022 OMSCentral.2022 OMSCentral. This is obviously a critical hurdle to pass. If youre reading this in 2023 it might be different, but if its 2021 for you its 20x/30x series NVIDIA or bust. Their response? Course staff and Prof are awesome! They involve everything from manually programming a simple CNN, to using PyTorch for language prediction. I have mixed feelings on this class. The quizzes cover a spectrum of topics and ask fairly detailed questions. I think the questions were very fair on the first 3. tl;dr Id give this course 12/10 and you should definitely take it. There is also a big project to replicate a paper, which is not easy also. I was just lucky. Ideally, you get a good group and have no hiccups, but anticipate for some problems especially during crunch time. images, videos, text, and audio) as well as decision-making tasks (e.g. Assuming you want to do well on the quiz, they force you to review the lectures perhaps a 2nd time and practice a few calculations on paper to make sure you really did understand what you saw. 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