However, he has poor Defense and Luck, making him vulnerable to Physical units. From the Dark Knight class, Niles can learn Seal Magic to sap magic off enemy Onmyojis or other magic using units and Lifetaker to restore health and allow healers to focus on other units instead. His name lines up with the Tomes of Fates, most of which are named after important items and events in Norse mythology. CYL3 saw the transition to different counting mechanisms involving versions of characters and ties, so change measured between CYL2 and CYL3 shouldn't be taken at face value. Inigo (igo in the Non-English European versions) is a playable character introduced in Fire Emblem Awakening and returning in Fire Emblem Fates under the alias Laslow. Odin overall has very shaky growth rates in Magic and Speed which, when combined with low bases in each stat, can make him relatively difficult to use as a magic user. Hana is also a distant relative of the Hoshido royal family, fathered This is most likely the right explanation as in every media he appears in, he wields his bow with his left hand. Myrmidon (Awakening)Dark Mage (Fates) Half a year later, Inigo has stopped his womanizing habits and has begun dancing for a living with Brady accompanying him as his musician. Lysithea is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. As well as him staying and potentially dying by Xanders side in Birthright, rather than retreating and staying alive so he can see his friends again as Odin and Selena do. Even some bulky reds like Zelgius, Arden and Idunn can take a hit and retaliate through his lower Def stats. Hana is a playable character in Fire Emblem Fates on the Birthright and Revelation routes. During her time as Retainer of Xander (FE14 only) Fire Emblem Fates: ROM Hacking General Thread Nintendo 3DS Home. Though Keaton continues to refuse, she presents a shiny acorn that she found. A Jeralt is a character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. During this support he also mentions knowing what it's like to want to be the center of attention. Laslow's secondary class is the Ninja class. Japanese In an alternate future, Inigo is seen with Owain, Yarne, and Brady, running from a swarm of Risen that has began to chase them. Ashe was born as the eldest son of After he set about rescuing the girl, he meets Lyn and decides to help her in her quest to free Caelin from Lord Lundgren. Name (JP) Unsurprisingly, she is taken captive by Gangrel, who takes her to Plegia Castle for her execution. Linhardt is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Thus Chrom and his army rush to rescue her and defeat the Grimleal. Inigo exudes a hyper-smiley and carefree attitude to keep from showing the world any weakness, and so that his friends can see him as a beacon of hope. He is also considerably wiser, often giving advice to those in need, like with Felicia and Mozu. Later, as the Hoshidan army begins their invasion of Castle Krakenburg, Iago is killed by Leo, and Niles and Odin watch from the shadows as Leo talks to Corrin and allows them to continue their invasion. They were also given a crystal that would allow them to return to their own future, or back to the world they were currently in. All in all, Inigo is a great unit and depending on his Father, they can either cover up his flaws or enhance his strengths. Eliwoods low Res is basically non-existent and any sort of magical unit from Reds and Blues are likely to kill or at least heavily wound him. Wolfskin He inherits Olivia's strong Speed, Skill, Luck growths allowing him to double and activate skills when needed. While he will most likely still be outclassed by other promoted mounted units, he can still be a useful unit to ferry infantry units around, especially as maps begin to get quite enormous. Corrin corrects him, stating that they merely wish to pass through peacefully and lays their weapons down as a sign of their intentions. On the other hand, giving Durandal an effect refine (or a stat refine) upgrades the sword effect into Death Blow 3. Names and Aliases An entranced Ninian, made to do Nergal's bidding, unwittingly expedites this process as she draws some quintessence herself to open the Dragon's Gate. He is the son of Olivia, and a character from the future. Chrom wields the legendary Falchion as his main weapon. Priam accepts the soldier's request, but later decides to change it and have one final fight with his group. Priam is already strong, fitting as he is the last SpotPass character recruited. Noontime heals himself based on 30% of the damage he inflicted on his opponent. It will require her to venture into every single one of her reclassing options, but it is well worth the effort when Rally styled play is needed. As a consequence she is unable to recall much of her former exalted life and has a fragmented speech pattern. In addition, unlike Nyx, Odin's defenses are respectable, meaning he has an easier time tanking hits with Nosferatu, which synergizes well with Odin's difficulties landing double attacks, given that Nosferatu cannot be doubled with anyway. However, the Grimleal still existed, and Plegia, now ruled by the power-hungry Gangrel, sought revenge for what they deemed an unjustified war, attempting to reignite war between the two nations. If he achieves an S-Support with another unit, he will have a daughter named Velouria. Owain's relationship with his parents is equally strange and devoted as well, as in his supports with Lissa, he thinks she is doting to a fault, ironically claiming it's as if she lives in her own fantasy world. He also appears as Upon returning to the capital, Chrom encounters "Marth", who tells them that an assassination attempt is underway on Emmeryn. However, due to Owains parents and the rest of the exalted bloodline being viewed as heroes to Owain, he vows to protect them. His two base promotions are the Assassin and Swordmaster, both of which are great to consider for Owain considering they have the same speed cap so preference comes down to what you want out of Owain. Owain is a playable character from Fire Emblem Awakening, who returns in Fire Emblem Fates under the alias Odin. Pherae After the defeat of Grima, Emmeryn never fully recovered her memories. "Keaton" is a type of fabric design. The promotion for the Wolfskin is the Wolfssegner class. In this route on Lunatic difficulty, Niles can capture a plethora of enemy units to assist the player, such as "Rallyman" in Chapter 23. Athos passes on shortly after, leaving Eliwood, Hector and Lyn to ponder over the words that he leaves in his wake. At a measly 16 neutral Res, he is unlikely to survive any encounter with a mage. Chapter 1: Dawn of Destiny (The Binding Blade)Chapter 7: Siblings Abroad (The Blazing Blade)Xenologue 2: Champions of Yore 2 (Awakening) She is the vice-captain of the Greil Mercenaries that is lead by Greil and later Ike. First Fought Hapi was born in the hidden village of Timotheos. Race Durandal has a Death Blow 2 effect, boosting his Atk by 4 when initiating attack, effectively giving him a 51 neutral Atk on initiation. In accordance to a warrior's tradition, the children of the lords were ordered by Erik of Laus to cut their hands and shake them with one other child of their choosing. One of Olivias supports reveals this to be. After class changing to Great Lord, Hector is also the first lord to be an Armored Unit. Lissa is also the aunt of Lucina and potential aunt of: Brady, Inigo, When she was two years His supports with Camilla also imply that he takes very irregular baths. In spite of her noble status, she aids Chrom in battle as part of the Shepherds as their primary healer. He also appears as Aquakinesis H2O Manipulation Hydrokinesis Water Arts/Bending/Control Users can create, shape, and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to others. Nino has an exceptional talent for magic. Out of everyone in the army, he enjoys looking at the moon the most. As the first Lord character in the Fire Emblem franchise and one of the He is a commander among the Knights of Seiros. Hometown On the way to Santaruz in Chapter 12, however, he is quickly overwhelmed by some opposition. It is highly emphasized that if using Odin, it is optimal to make sure his weapons fulfill this requirement to get the most out of him. Relatives On his journey, he is very determined to succeed, first to find his father and then to avenge his father's death. While Odin as a Dark Mage is a relative gamble, he is quite sufficient offensively if he reclasses into a Samurai. Because he is a descendant of Roland, he is distantly related to the nobility of houses Caelin, Ostia, and Laus in Lycia. Athos steps forward in a bid to fend against their onslaught, but is overwhelmed by the searing impact of the flames they breathe. Living in Nohr, he is the leader of his pack. Aquakinesis H2O Manipulation Hydrokinesis Water Arts/Bending/Control Users can create, shape, and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to others. Owain really only requires an assist skill as it is the only skill type he is missing and the standard Reposition is advised. In addition to slaying many of the members of the Black Fang, Eliwood ends up having to solve a problem in Bern's ruling class: Queen Hellene requests that Eliwood retrieve the Fire Emblem back from the Black Fang in exchange for granting him passage to the Shrine of Seals. Petra is the presumptive heir and granddaughter of the king of Brigid, an archipelago to the Race Relatives Niles is better off suited as Bow Knight or Adventurer, but he should still grab skills from both classes before returning to his normal promotions. In addition, As Corrin travels through the Woods of the Forlorn, Odin and Niles accompany Leo as he attacks the Hoshidan army in the woods. Keep in mind that his innate breaker skills remove the effectiveness of Counter so choosing to run his three breaker skills simultaneously or Counter is best to make both skill sets optimal. Owain's supports and conversations with Laurent during the Hot-Spring Scramble, and his ending in Fates, reveal that he is a prolific writer. While Odd Shaped can be used outside of the Wolfskin class set, Beastbane cannot. Nohr (Fates) If Chrom is his father and speaks to him, he will be surprised and slightly pleased that he has a son, albeit concerned that he raised a philanderer. Nohr (FE14 only) While he expresses the idealistic notion that he sees himself and his army's members as equals, he recognizes that these words are ones spoken from a position of privilege, a position that Fiora is unable to access herself by virtue of her social standing and harsh upbringing. That is to say, he isnt completely unbothered, "Cut the act, Orochi. His discomfort for fighting real people is also addressed in his Harvest Scramble conversation with Inigo in Awakening. During the battle, Owain talks about how excited he is to get new powers, wanting to become a mage. Any other mother will leave Female Kana an only child. Compelled to remain in Castle Pherae, he entrusts his son Roy with some members of Pherae's army to drive off the bandits in Chapter 1. At the end of the war, Laslow returns to Ylisse. Peri is a daughter of a noble family in Nohr and a subordinate to Prince Xander. Brave Eliwood's res is his low point as just about any good mage, especially strong green mages like Nino, Yune, and Legendary Celica can easily dispatch him. His parents died when he was young and he came to This causes his father to lament his words. Concerned for the safety of their lord, Laslow and Peri disobey his orders and bring soldiers to help Xander. He is 17 years old in Shadows of Valentia. She is a student at the Officers Academy who is from the Leicester Alliance and is a member of the Golden Deer. Still, her life and sacrifice serve as guides for Chrom as he seeks the peace Emmeryn longed for. Lady EmmerynEmmYour Grace May contain spoilers Olivia (Mother)Soleil (Daughter) Eliwood is one of the three main characters in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and the father of Roy, the main character of Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. When she was two years He shares Japanese voice actor, Takehito Koyasu, with. Leo thought otherwise and instantly made him his retainer. Eliwood resides in a very populated pool, even when Heroes was first released.

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