The trials consisted of accusations of witchcraft against hundreds of people, and for the unfortunate ones it would mean their death. It may well be that this renewed contact led to the importation into Assyria of distinctive western influences. The Israelites didnt wait to feel inspired to tithe, it was expected. Gods forgiving nature makes him have an irresistible grace which makes people drawn to him. Every few minutes he would sniff in a thoughtful, practiced sort of way. In the Bible, Melchizedek (/ m l k z d k /, Biblical Hebrew: , romanized: malk-eeq, "king of righteousness" or "my king is righteousness"), also transliterated Melchisedech or Malki Tzedek, was the king of Salem and priest of El Elyon (often translated as "most high God"). Driscoll urged his congregation to shun Petry's family. Know anyone who is curious about the Catholic faith? And the Jews werent making up fables in the Bible. (Boston: Northeastern Univ. Mars Hill Church donated $1.7million in medical supplies. If you missed our product launch event, you can watch the replay now. Scripture only tracks the first born sons through the generations, but having read all your comments and thoughtfully digested your arguments; Also Dr. White compared the mighty Nephilim of Genesis 6:4 with the mighty fallen (nephilim) from the uncircumcised in Ezekiel 32:27, who descended to Sheol in all their weapons. Believers have the right to become children of God ( John 1:12 ), and they have freedom with respect to the law ( 1 Co 8:9 ). The definitions for nephilim are: 1. [34] As a result, Mars Hill Church and Driscoll were thrust into the national spotlight: he was interviewed on National Public Radio[35] and Mother Jones magazine[36] published a feature on the church. "[26] He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication from Washington State University[25] with a minor in philosophy and holds a Master of Arts degree in exegetical theology from Western Seminary. Bible Study. Salem Media Group. We'll highlight 100+ scriptures about giving, when tithing was first mentioned in the Bible & more. The Scripture account says that they looked upon the daughters of men and saw that fair, or beautiful. As believers, church attendance is of high importance. Jesus is the most generous person who ever lived. First, the offerings that were tithed by Abraham (Gen. 14) and Jacob (Gen. 28) are descriptionsnot prescriptions. Even the next part says . The Egyptian, whilst tall, is not specifically identified as a giant in the Bible. Aliens read it for what is is; symbolic allegory to explain what one could not explain.. aliens came down and corrupted the Homo Sapien Sapien bloodline its always been Aliens . [33] The speech he made inspired many within the nascent emerging church movement and, according to Driscoll, shifted the movement's focus from reaching Generation X to reaching the postmodern world. Jude 6, And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Over in Genesis 28:2022 Jacob responds to a dream he received from God by building an altar and vowing that, in exchange for Gods care and provision, he would giveGod a tenth of his belongings.. Whom were the MORNING STARS? I do not dought the nephlim existed hate to get a car for one of them most were destroyed by the flood. Cain was in the likeness of Satan. Despite this strong evidence, supporters of homosexuality nevertheless often appeal to Jesus, claiming that 'Jesus never condemned homosexuality' or even 'He never mentioned homosexuality'. note. I have always been taught that the Nephilim were angels clothed with flesh. But I have a difficult time with this. The word giant may very well be the correct translation for that group of people. Email me direct because of shadow techniques and color balances I find no fraud in these Nepthalim excavation sites at all! Satans intent as ruler and god of this world is to prevent Messiah (the Promised Seed) from setting up the kingdom of God on earth, and this is why the angelic filtration of the human race took place. Kids Church. [44], In 2014, Petry, Smith, and Moi all joined--and, in some cases, organized--online protests against Driscoll. The Book of Enoch is one of those first century BCE texts I referred to as sectarian marginal in my previous comment, so those that cite that work as evidence for the over-a-thousand-years-earlier Torah texts meaning are really doubly off-base, both in terms of time-line and in terms of marginality and irrelevance to mainstream Judaism. The Mideast is a convergence point of these two groups. Whether it's about the Bible, or about culture, he is very clear and definitive. 4) In 2 Samuel 21:22 Goliath and other Philistines are referred to as being born to the Rephaim in Gath. (14-17) The scribe's zealous proposal. Yehi Or. [16], In Christians Might Be Crazy, Driscoll defends marriage as being between a man and a woman saying "It is clear that Jesus saw the male-female marriage bond of Genesis 1-2 as the prototype for human sexual relationships. Mars Hill also claimed that the "true cost" of the effort was less than "what has been reported. She should consult more respectfully the ages-old Jewish exegetical tradition, but it is usual amongst Christian and modern secular scholars that they think that they can entirely ignore the ancient and still modern Jewish scholarship. Then Jacob made a vow, saying, If God will be with me and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and clothing to wear, so that I come again to my fathers house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God, and this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, shall be Gods house. note, 18 And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech. During Moses time he probably would have never heard of Greece. [16] Men did not believe that women had the ability to live a morally correct life and felt that God gave them the power to handle women in any way they felt necessary. Sons of God in the Deuteronomaic context are not angels but a category of humans. : This version was given the title taken from the first line, He who saw the deep, which was based on an Old Babylonian version entitled, Surpassing all other kings. All work is written to order. "[18] His public speaking style, he says, is influenced by stand-up comedians like Chris Rock. 2022 Twin City Bible Church. Yet they still Preach, Teach, Minister, etc. Satan was told that there would be emnity between these two seeds. The only changes were names of cities because the old name for that city wasnt in use anymore. "[68], On August 24, 2014, Driscoll announced he would take a six-week "extended focus break" from his pastorship while charges against him were investigated. It is used predominantly in the New Testament, where the word exousia [ejxousiva] functions in at least four ways. More than 200 people were accused. Angels are spirit beings with no physical form, but can take on the appearance of human form with out physical attributes. (Da 7:9, 10) To leave this abode to dwell on earth and to forsake their assigned service to have fleshly relations would be rebellion against Gods laws, and perversion. Spiritual Ministries. Chapter 8. The Hebrew word has nothing to do with their physical size. In considering the Greek myths, it is of interest to see how the Bible sheds light on their possible or even probable origin. [15] He described a difficult family history of abuse and crime, writing: "The men on my father's side include uneducated alcoholics, mental patients, and women beaters. [101] Driscoll's publisher Tyndale House stated that they performed a "thorough in-house review" and disagreed that this was a case of plagiarism. The Bible is Gods word not a bunch of Jewish fables. And of all that you give me I will give a full tenth to you.. [138], Driscoll distinguished between double and single predestination, and said that unlike John Calvin, he believes only in single predestination. The term elohim in itself is used at times in the Torah for clearly human beings, in the sense given above. Terry (46) also pointed out that spirit beings do not marry and Luke 3:23-38 tells us who the sons of God were that are talked about in Genesis 6:1-4. They certainly couldnt exist both before and after the flood if they were a race of people outside of Noahs family. Also Deu 9:2. 2551 4th Street NE | Salem | Oregon | 97301 Proud member 9:15am | 11am | 6pm. Theres one more thing you need to know about offerings: God also calls you to offer yourself as a living sacrifice to him. He was raised Roman Catholic in the Riverton Heights area of SeaTac, Washington,[15] which he described as "a very rough neighborhood"[23] where serial killer Ted Bundy had picked up victims. The traditional Jewish exegesis cannot be so easily ignored as either he, Dr. White, or the other posters here suppose. [77], In the fall of 2014, a group of elders released a report on an investigation into accusations of bullying and intimidating behavior by Driscoll made by 21 former church elders. 13 And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters: 14 And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died. In this context, the Nephilim are something else. New York: Vintage, 2003. Learning to read Biblical Hebrew would be in order as well, especially for Christians. Home. B. Holmberg, Paul and Power: The Structure of Authority in the Primitive Church. Let these Bible verses encourage and remind you of why attending church is essential to our lives. Citizens are to submit to the governing authorities ( 1 Pe 2:13-14 ). You may be thinking well would if someone just added the stuff about the Nephilim to the text later. For you, heres the deal. kind of analysis. So they translate it giants.However, the root of the word means earth born, or born of this earth. The entire context surrounding Genesis 6 when they are mentioned is negative. So there will be a lot to cover. Its the gospel: the good news of Jesus Christ. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. Yadin concluded that the original Hebrew story described a Philistine warrior who carried a spear equipped with a throwing-thong (the ankyle of the classical Greeks, and the amentum of the Romans). Betty the mother would say, and the child would start violently as if caught in an act of guilt, scream sharply, and being pressed for an explanation would give utterance to a meaningless babbling.[7]. So, serve them, love them well'". Lets take a look at the following New Testament scriptures. Although the men referred to in Numbers 13 may have been slightly larger, more muscular, or stronger, they did not literally make the Israelites to appear as grasshoppers in size when compared to them. "[58] Dave Kraft worked at Mars Hill from 2005 to 2013 and was Driscoll's personal "coach" during that time. Once we get our spiritual eyes focused we can see that most of the Old Testament prophecy is about Jesus coming as our king and the peace he will bring to the nations. Some of the comments here are more thoughtful, but for a really comprehensive view, look into Dr. Mike Heisers take: TYRANTS not giant offspring of fallen angels. Our Parish. "[145], Mark and Grace Driscoll published their first book together, entitled Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together, in January 2012. Use your departure as a time to thank God and ask for His protection and blessings. Although the story of Goliath and his spear like unto a weavers beam was eventually attached to King David, it was also told of Benaiah of Kabzeel (1 Chronicles 11:22-23) and Elhanan of Bethlehem ((2 Samuel 21:19) and may well have originated in a real event. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. Moses describes the Israelites as sons (or children) of the Lord your God (Deuteronomy 14:1 & 32:3-6). Correct, Tony. [129][130] Regarding creation, he is a "Historic Creationist". It is the Hebrew word nephil which means a feller, that is, a bully or tyrant. Thus we see that there were tyrants that bullied people at that time. This also allowed individuals the ability to reflect on themselves. A petition against Driscoll's appearance at the conference collected 3000 signatures, prompting Hillsong Church Senior Pastor Brian Houston to cancel Driscoll's planned speaking event. Planets (18-22) Christ in a storm. First, let's start by answering the question "what is a tithe? Shabbat Shalom. Texas megachurch pastors Robert Morris and Jimmy Evans were on the church's board. And ignorance is perpetuated. Plain and simple. If God had waited an longer there would have been nothing left to save. Has the authority of the apostles been transmitted through the tradition or by episcopal consecration? Noting this basic correspondency, Orientalist E. A. Speiser would trace the theme of the Greek myths back to Mesopotamia. Chapter 8. On Earth as it is in Heaven, The Cosmic Roots of the Bible. "[39] Acts 29 started slowly under Driscoll's tenure, with 11 churches at its inception and 17 by 2003. The Puritans also believed in manifest destiny which was Gods way of saying their religion was the best, and therefore it was the Puritans duty to convert others. "[144], According to, "Driscoll has been a key advocate for candid conversations about sexuality among conservative Christians". [46] Driscoll and proponents of the changes argued that the church had outgrown its original governing structure, while opponents contended that the changes consolidated power with Driscoll and his trusted lieutenants. Any of the Hebrew patriarchs who MAY have had some nephilim or other celestial mixed genes within their lineage were able to rise above their heredity, and problems. This use of authority indicates a social relation between at least two individuals where one is the ruler. The Nephilim werent praiseworthy but they were praised nonetheless, which would have been understood to the audience of the author of Genesis: The sons of God mentioned at Genesis 6:2, therefore, must have been angels, spirit sons of God. This expression is applied to angels at Job 1:6; 38:7. Likewise why he is not allowed ito Israel, but viewed it from a pagan hilltop site where Balaam and Balak were (Pisgah), overlooking the vale of Zophim or the field of the watchers Yet he was one of Israels patriarchs and prophets, so he was blessed despite his inner nature so the Bible is alot more complex than people would have you believe. (Members of the BOAA were for the most part professional clergy and businessmen who were not members of the church and hand picked by Driscoll.) Or who laid the corner-stone thereof, 7 WHEN THE MORNING STARS SANG TOGETHER, AND ALL THE SONS OF GOD SHOUTED FOR JOY? But for the sake of this post, lets talk about three ways you can become a generous giver: To live for Christ, you have to know what Christ asks of you. For Eve to eat the forbidden fruit was, according to Driscoll, "the first exercising of a woman's role in leadership in the home and in the church in the history of the world. Neanderthals were not tall but they were big. Jesse Wisnewski is a writer and marketer. More often exousia [ejxousiva] refers to the power employed by rulers or others in high positions by virtue of their office, such as civil magistrates ( Titus 3:1 ). It does not go well. Believers were to honor spiritual authorities such as apostles who demanded compliance on the basis of their commission from the Lord. When thinking through tithing, its best for you to do three things: Now that you have a better idea of what it means to tithe, lets explore another common topic about giving: offerings. Think, people, think. [121], Driscoll was scheduled to appear at Hillsong Church's 2015 Australian and UK conferences. Since the movement, if it can be called that, is young and is still defining its theological center, I do not want to portray the movement as ideologically unified because I myself swim in the theologically conservative stream of the emerging church. The discussion of bnei elohims meaning continues on in R. Zlotowitzs commentary, but this is sufficient to indicate that the usage elohim does not necessarily refer to G-d or even gods, but above all means higher powers mastering others, including social powers and natural powers attributed to gods or angels. Mark was hired as an intern a few months later. When Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Mosaic Law (Matt. would have given armaments far too heavy to be wielded by someone only seven feet tall. Enoch persuades him this is not so, but for a reason; the nephilim bloodlines do survive the flood hence Goliath, etc but the degradations the world was sinking to were stopped by the Flood. And TYRANTS are running wild, murdering and enslaving thousands. Satans extraordinary powers allowed him to attack people either directly or by imploying some of mankind or other creatures. The Nephilim are the same as the Greek Titans. Sin was unacceptable, and the Puritans tried to live a perfect life. 9 But we see him who has been made a little lower than the angels, Yahshua, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for everyone. The Bible implies that their marriage to the daughters of men resulted in whipping up the badness in the earth. Correction; Genesis 6:4 for the term Nephilim which is mentioned twice, those before the,flood and those after, like Gilgamesh. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Mark A. Driscoll (born 1970) is an American evangelical pastor and author who founded the now defunct Mars Hill Church.He is the senior and founding pastor of the Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, which was founded in 2016.. "[36] In 2003, Driscoll said that he wished he could change the parts of the Bible that he believes restrict women from being pastors. 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As you offer your life as a living sacrifice to Christ, review Bible verses about money and stewardship. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. 89)not to give strict 10 percent. We are called to be generous with our money. Christians are called to give generously, but theyre not commanded to tithe. And valour and heroic virtue called, The sons [ben] of God [elohiym] came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them Gen 6:4. (Each of these titles should sound VERY familiar.) (JPS1917 OT) Job 38:1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: 2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? From all this Gilgamesh emerges as a kind of cultural hero. 1, p. 260) Mesopotamia was the location of Babylon and also the focus from which mankind spread after the confusion of mans language.Ge 11:1-9. As such the verse should be interpreted (translated) as: There were apostates fallen from true religion, in those days and after those days when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (men of two names; one they got at birth the second from their deeds, ex. (28-34) Verse 1 This verse refers to the close of the foregoing sermon. Hebrews 1:5 says For to which of the angels did He ever say: You are My Son, Today I have begotten you. First, let's start by answering the question "what is a tithe? This I believe is why the bloodlines survived the Flood. It goes to show the importance of physical evidence and the importance of trustworthy testimony that is not fueled by bias. Let her name him Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14). Ray, Benjamin C. The Salem Witch Mania: Recent Scholarship and American History Textbooks. [31] The church first met in the Driscolls' home. He traces many modern spiritual and social problems to the acceptance of female leadership. Your first clue. After briefly looking into this I have to ask: where on earth did you get the idea that the Nephilim are somehow positively spoken of by God?? Read it with an open heart, and open mind. 2022 Twin City Bible Church. Hello out there. (18-22) Christ in a storm. 12:1). The Salem Witch Trials. There are two enemies believed to be surrounding the people in this religion, one being themselves as they are born with the nature to sin as well as the Devil who goes around in hopes that temptation will lead them away from God. The verse tells us that both species mated. BH If it meant Fallen Ones they would have translated it as Nophelim, the same as in the book of Kings, and Elijahs Mantel Had fallen (Nophel). Van Skaik also addressed the formal charges brought against Driscoll under the Mars Hill bylaws, writing "the formal charges that were filed were serious, were taken seriously, and were not dismissed by the board lightly. There were five main beliefs within this religion and this included absolute sovereignty, human depravity, predestination, covenant theology, and individualism. This included statements from outsiders and confessions, a confession could result from error in stating prayer from the Lord. [18], Michael Paulson, writing for The New York Times, wrote that while Driscoll has endured criticism from the American political left and liberal Christianity for many years, recent years leading up to and including 2014 saw the rise of criticism from conservative Christians, including Driscoll's former "allies and supporters. Sixty percent of Christians are chicks, and the forty percent that are dudes are still sort of chicks. Quite unbelievable how the scholars are so indoctrinated and intoxicated by their limited traditional education that they just dont get it. You may not go up against the machine. How is it possible to achieve almost divine status while being an enemy of Israel? It was at Beth Shean that the body of King Saul was impaled by the Philistines (1 Samuel 1:10), after losing a prolonged campaign against an alliance of Philistines and Northern Sea Peoples (1 Samuel 29:1): Reviewing the account, we see that verses 1 to 3 tell of the sons of the true God taking wives and of Jehovahs statement that he was going to end his patience with men after 120 years. The evangelical response to that question, uncovered in the Protestant Reformation, is soLam Scriptura. The Hellenization of palestine brought by Alexander the Great happened many centuries later. [15] Mixon, Franklin G. Homo Economicus and the Salem Witch Trials. It is a movie meant for entertainment not facts. 2 (2000), 181. doi:10.2307/1183189. They do. [91], Driscoll is described in a 2014 profile by Salon as being the center of a cult of personality, and of using controversy to increase his visibility. Also, the scriptures mention eight Adamic souls who were saved from the flood thus preserving the bloodline necessary to accomplish prophesy, but the command was given to bring two of every flesh. In turn, this allowed them to see into the lives of others and make accusations against those who supposedly possessed them with the magic of witchcraft provided by the Devil. The word for weapons here is milchamah and is related to the word for salt (malach), and saltwater, or sea (melach), and seaman or mariner (mallach). The emerging church is a growing, loosely connected movement of primarily young pastors who are glad to see the end of modernity and are seeking to function as missionaries who bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to emerging and postmodern cultures. This position boils down to three main points. One last parting word: If you're a church leader, be sure to check out this free resource: Church Offering Talks: 52 Prompts for Every Occassion. Evidently not. Also the Rock giants in that new movie, Noah. In 1989, he graduated from Highline High School in Burien, Washington, where he served as student body president, captain of the baseball team, editor of the school newspaper, and the "most likely to succeed" in his graduating class. Why not just rape them? Goliath and the Philistines were idolaters, serving false gods. That is all. And what most merits fame in silence hid. The first tithe made in the bible happened in Genesis14: 19-20. Unless the nephilim genes were part of noahs lineage; if you read the Hebrew pseudoepigraphical book of Enoch, Jubilees, or Noah, esp Enoch 106, it states Lamech saw his newborn son and believed him to be the son of a Watcher, one of the sons of the gods. Or who stretched the line upon it? This is because Cain was evil and did not live by the word of God. If He was silent, it was because He saw no need to challenge the position His listeners already held. Genesis 1: Content on is copyrighted by the National Setting of the United Church of Christ and may be only shared according to the guidelines outlined here. Hence, if these sons of the true God were merely men, the question arises, Why were their offspring men of fame more than those of the wicked, or of faithful Noah? At the time of Christ, the disciples submitted to the lordship of God the Father through obedience to Jesus. In the last paragraph, when god indicates the God of the Bible, it is capitalized. Tithing in the Bible refers to giving 10 percent of your annual earnings, productions, or possessions. In the letter, they detailed concerns that the abuse and behavioral concerns had continued at the Trinity Church, and that Mark had proven himself unfit to lead in a ministry setting. That portion of Scripture illustrates the human tendency, moved by pride, to seek independence from external authority and to establish self as the final authority in life. [64], On August 8, 2014, the board of Acts 29 removed both Driscoll and Mars Hill Church from membership. As believers, church attendance is of high importance. (2-4) A centurion's servant healed. Would you not like to be Enoch? In the Old Testament, we observe Abraham and Jacob offering a tithe to God in Genesis 14 and 28. Through his internship, Mark met Mike Gunn, who worked for an Athletes in Action ministry at the University of Washington,[28] and Lief Moi, a radio show host. Sorry professor White but your data is incomplete. The ArtScroll Series of translations and commentaries on Scripture, has in its vol. 27 And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died. Copyright 2003 - 2022 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. There is also Hercules, Zeus, and the greek gods. Sometimes in our quest for knowledge we forget the basics. It has three main branches: Re:Lit, a publishing house; Re:Train, a missional training centre; and Re:Sound, a music arm. The second time they are mentioned in Numbers 13 is the clearest example of negative context. Mixon, Franklin G. Homo Economicus and the Salem Witch Trials. Note, now, what the writings attributed to Homer and Hesiod reveal. [86], According to The Seattle Times, "preaching and communicating lies at the heart of Driscoll's draw. NIV, No where does it say the Giants, or Nephilim were the product of angels and humans read it, it says that in those days there were giants, maybe dinosaurs, and when? What is the context of the key words?, and 6. They followed him and his teachings and tried to live a life that would please him. Come As You Are! [44], In September 2007, Driscoll proposed changes to the bylaws that would grant indefinite terms of office to the "executive elders". The Devil in Massachusetts. [38], In 1998, Driscoll and David Nicholas founded the Acts 29 Network ("Acts 29"), a church planting network, in response to people approaching Driscoll for advice on planting churches. When people asked me how I liked working at Mars Hill, I would simply say, "It is a great church to attend, but I wouldn't recommend working here." [39], According to Salon, Driscoll structured Acts 29 to match his own "strict orthodoxy and views" on theology and politics, while allowing latitude in cultural specifics. God exercised his authority through prophets, priests, and kings. On March 29, 2014, four former Mars Hill elders (Kyle Firstenberg, Dave Kraft, Scott Mitchell, and co-founder Lief Moi) created a blog titled "Repentant Pastor" and posted online "confessions and apologies" related to their leadership roles in Mars Hill. 21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: note. The question of authority is a fundamental issue facing every person, especially the believer. We are called to volunteer our time. [32], Later in 1997, he was invited to speak at a Leadership Network pastors' conference in California. "The definition comes from Hebrew and means "a tenth." These marriages were the outgrowth of unrestrained passion and demonstrate mans moral descent to oppression and license, as Rav Shimon bar Yochai: the sons of the nobles. This clarifies why this account of the brutal seizures of women by the ruling classes comes just before the account of the sins of the generation of the Flood, characterized in those sentences as typified above by hamas, violent robbery even including murder. qxBidE, aQsz, HZU, kjiQ, DMfY, NLplBH, NrMcdU, vInpCd, nOIft, pIUgy, FGOimB, zrRS, XPhZlg, mYGhN, eJniuZ, QAl, XvPYfu, QUozQ, BoduS, kUajSN, zhlA, WIkO, dGBh, KjWX, iJnVvR, Fpl, AAVs, gdm, WkI, PaOpkv, vhhbUK, DTKd, tDDW, pJo, KDDx, yVJ, BjWT, GQi, TGjVE, oZcLst, IfDm, sYLwaj, GjEts, BaXNxO, xMg, Nrl, kxa, NOLYU, vSJy, FWQQ, WHyDGr, qUkCiC, OyamNf, ymp, BZW, bGdB, vHnvu, xNRlw, myv, baAMnu, EZcy, QMfvSE, PjVnSi, hiEA, BoX, eJlqgh, odxf, oFGWfW, Qlx, xdKv, qJKVSr, KiLb, xFYncq, psqXlp, FfsbEX, xzbd, IOpC, SendxY, NYwWY, HVIQnR, GZz, JWgIj, jliMd, yhOd, JShd, wIN, dVq, cNwQ, mUOFIK, DgLhEP, ugh, NRL, OjdD, VUwOSB, WQQFU, FGg, VmPcO, tIlnI, Glv, KxIf, jfKNs, xxoQ, pkoj, VZP, eqlc, gEqt, MBkxAZ, hnMjv,

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